[center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/28kii2w.jpg[/IMG][/center] Ray ran his hand through his hair and gripped the base of his ponytail in unease, growing ever more frustrated with his lack of solid arguments against getting the airship as everyone either ribbed him for his fear of heights or urged him to reconsider. He turned to Luro for help, but instead, all he got were words put in his mouth and Danny pestering him at his side. Even the new girl, Alicia, was teasing him. He simply gave the captain a pleading look and hoped for the best. The captain asked about retrofitting the Coral Pearl to fly and Ray's stomach sank. Fortunately the modifications would take several months, and Ray breathed a silent sigh of relief when the captain declined. A fight, or rather the aftermath of it, caught his attention as he heard someone shouting about Judges, Brass Balls and going to a tavern. The last part caught his attention, and Ray turned to Luro and nudged him with an elbow. “Hey, I think that guy's headed to a tavern, wanna go?” Before he heard Luro's response, he turned back to see the man rounding a corner. “Crap, he's getting away,” Ray muttered and started jogging after him, trying to keep up. He started following the man rather openly. He had some experience in tailing, having surreptitiously followed some of his illicit lovers or assorted rivals before in Lendria, but felt no need to hide from this person; if he was confronted, he'd simply explain that he's following him to the tavern. He did, however, feel a need to acquire some money for drinks, having spent almost all his money on Utsukushī, so he lifted a few wallets from passersby along the way and relished in the freedom that piracy gave, whistling the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAbvFroSYA0]tune of a sea shanty[/url] with a smug smile on his face.