[b]Alex - The Pub - Scouts[/b] [b]"Me, driving?"[/b] He replied somewhat surprised. [b]"I must confess it's been a very long time since I last did, nevermind think about it."[/b] He replied with the faintest of smiles, before getting into the driver's seat. He [i]had[/i] learned how to drive, once. Once everyone was inside he got the car into motion, and carefully made his way towards the spot where they lost Danny, trying to learn how the car reacted before he crashed into something again. He had some doubts about leaving Cody and the anonymous man they had hit on the way here back there just like that, but they had to look for him now the trail was still fresh. ----- [b]Sub-urbs[/b] After a little while they found themselves at the sub-urbs again without any incidents on the road. As the car stopped, and Alex looked around to see if it was safe, he realized howmuch damage the storm had done to the environment. Picket fences were lying about, doors ripped from their respective houses, and one tree had lost the fight against the wind and now was stuck in the roof of a house like a knife in a cake. Getting out of the car and grabbing his rifle he tried recognizing the street they had been scavenging in not even an hour and a half ago, and was taken aback by the power of the storm. It would make things, more difficult. At least, he thought, the crawlers seemed to have been blown away aswell, as none seemed to be around at a first glance.