Name: Robby McCarthy Age: 15 Gender: Male Apperance: Blond, curly hair, emerald green eyes, and freckles. He wears a little shirt, which hangs off his body, cargo shorts, ripped up old sneakers, and sometimes carries a book with him. Personality: Very sweet and kind, quiet and cute. He enjoys gardens, parks, outdoors mostly. He colors, draws, reads only a little, talks to worms and tries his best to climb trees. He doesn't like loud noises, bright lights, becomes fearful if someone scares him. He falls asleep easily, likes to curl up with a warm blanket and fall asleep on the floor. Animal: Sleeping Chiromid: Bio: Bio: Robby was once a very active autistic 7 year old. He would play with his brother none stop, and ignore the fact his mother and father were hardly there for him. His older brother was kind and gentle, always holding his hand when he wanted it held. His mother would work long shifts, come home high or pass out on the couch. His father was a drinker. He came home with women, dancers, strippers, anyone. Robby didn't understand. Years passed, and when the little boy turned 10, he, his brother and mother all went to the park, gave him a gift, ate cake from a leftover graduation party, then headed home. On the ride, however, Robby became upset, twisting in his seat and whimpering madly. It was too bright. The New York skies had cleared, the sun shining in the boys eyes. His mother, not giving a second thought to it, whipped around and shouted at the boys. They got into a car crash, which killed both his brother and mother. His father blamed him, beat him, and eventually began to molest and rape the now 14 year old boy. It was clear the child had been abused, and one night, when all was quiet in his home, Robby was found besides the mutilated corpse of his father, a bloody knife in his hands. And the rest is history....