Hax walked into his room and did more maintenance. It was some real field work in a while. Given that Igor was an Upper First Exorcist, there was no way Hax was going to end up doing the usual Page and Esquire chores. Also, since it is Hax, it must have to do with a fairly strong demon, since his experience was higher than some seasoned Exorcists. His swords were perfectly okay to go, but his ammo supply and holy water grenades were lacking. Although, completely unnecessary to resupply, it was better for him to, since it would provide some training in using his guns. Unlike every other Page and Esquire, Hax had access to multiple keys. Not as many as the teachers, but for example, the key to visit the shop. Using the key, he found himself at an entrance way. Walking through he announced, "It's me, I'd like the extra-enhanced ammunition and some holy water grenades." Since he was uninformed on the enemy he would be facing, and did not have many ammunition stores, it was unwise to choose any elemental bullets, as they might be ineffective against the enemy. "Hai, hai! You seem to ask for these every now and then. But aren't you just an esquire? I wonder, how come you come here sometimes. Well not that I can complain, since I get more business." The old lady of the shop spoke back to Hax, while gathering the requested items. "On Igor Neuhaus's tab please." He added. "So not your own this time, alright, got it." With that he was re-supplied and ready. Heading back to meet Igor. ---- Igor saw Hax walk off, and then approached the classroom. "Simon! I am going to need you later. Report to me in about an hour." He informed Simon, walking away from the classroom, and to the headmaster's office, where the mission debrief will take. There was to be one other, but Igor could not seem to find them. Well, the three of them were competent, and Simon would be sufficient as the doctor for this team. Igor just hoped that Hax would listen to his commands, at least a little.