Maybe I'm overstepping myself, but.... I don't think I want to let this RP die. If the GM's gone, I'm willing to step up. Reveuse, if you're around, speak up. If you've lost interest, no shame in saying so. I'd love it if you were still around and willing, but if you're not, just say the word. I won't let this RP die before it even begins, I like the concept too much. Just putting the option out there, really. I'm not in the habit of train robbing the RPs I participate in, but I do get worried when the GM doesn't post for a while :p Call it baseless paranoia if you will, but I've been around the block enough times to know the drill. I find it's better to speak up and get a funny look from the GM than just to let the whole RP fade into the ether, haha.