[b]Archer[/b] Adjusting to the counterattack, Archer leapt back from the dragon. Obviously, it was smart enough to adjust for a head on attack--and by the look of it, too stubborn to realise when it was better off getting out of here. Nobody had seriously hurt it yet, but the berserk martial artist had opened up a weak point and it clearly couldn't cope with all the fire being flung its way. Moving after Saber, so that it was occupied dealing with Excalibur's heavy blows, the Knight in Red targeted the exposed scales, opting for small, darting attacks; the technique Archer was employing with Ascalon was actually far more reminiscent of the frenzied rain of strikes employed by Cu Chulainn. It lacked the impossible speed the inexplicably-dressed man could use, but the technique was the same. Rather than going for a single damaging strike, Archer was counting on lots of small ones, concentrated in one area, weakening it so it could be finished off.