Alright, a general crewman/ soldier/ guy who cooks on the occasion of having actual food. [hider= Pascal Souchon] [center][img=][/center] [center][b]Pascal Souchon[/b][/center] [b]GENDER:[/b] Male [b]AGE:[/b] 41 [b]DATE OF BIRTH:[/b] 2559 [b]BIRTHPLACE:[/b] Armstrong Base, the Moon [b]DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:[/b] Souchon stands out for being exceptionally thin and wiry, as well as a little on the small side. Accustomed to the moon's lesser gravitational pull, he is physically weaker than average. [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Souchon is quiet, soft-spoken, and withdrawn, perhaps a little on the shy side, rarely speaking unless necessary and quietly carrying on with his business. In private, he is extremely depressed and hard on himself. Burdened by conscience and wracked with guilt from previous actions, he is driven to self-destructive and risk-taking behavior and on occasion shows no regard for his well-being or safety. However, at heart he is a gentle and kind man, just an extraordinarily cynical and depressed one. [b]LIKES:[/b] Souchon is something of a gourmet- he appreciates good food and greatly enjoys cooking. He enjoys reading fiction as well, and likes his liquor- maybe a little too much. [b]DISLIKES:[/b] Souchon doesn't care for violence, despite his skill at dispensing it, and finds hand-to-hand fighting to be especially unseemly. People who brag about their fighting prowess or cruelty make him extremely uncomfortable, as do hollow, self-righteous justifications for such actions. The one thing Pascal Souchon truly hates, though, is himself. [b]TALENTS:[/b] Souchon is an excellent cook. In addition, his marksmanship with a rifle or pistol is superb- given a moment to concentrate, he can make bulls eyes from a weapon's maximum effective range. He has honed an innate talent for shooting with hours of long practice, and is capable of such feats as shooting a cigarette out of a man's mouth. [b]FAMILY:[/b] Back on the Moon, Souchon has a wife, Marie, and a teenage son, Maximilian. He is not in contact with either of them, though he occasionally tries to send money to Marie, only to discover it returned untouched to his account. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Pascal Souchon is a Lunatic, born and raised. Living in the cushy home of a celebrated chef, he displayed a talent for shooting at an early age and began competing in sport shooting events on the Moon. It was at one such event that he began a flirtation with another competitor, Marie Gateau, that turned into a romance and then a marriage. The two had a son, Maximilian, soon after the wedding. Shortly after the birth of his son, Pascal was offered a job as a shooting instructor for a "security firm"- more of a for-hire military force, in truth. The pay was attractive, certainly enough to comfortably raise a child. He accepted without reservation. However, this was a new world for the genteel man, a rougher, harder world. Eventually, the firm was contracted to oversee a mining colony outside the safe confines of Armstrong, on the desolate Dark Side. Conditions were poor for the laborers, but relatively comfortable for the management and the security team. Pascal questioned why he had hot meals and a warm bed when the miners possessed no such luxuries. It soon became apparent- this mining colony was more a slave labor camp, maximum profit being squeezed out through working laborers half to death in unsafe conditions. Discipline for the common laborers was extremely harsh- beatings were doled out like candy, thievery resulted in an amputated hand, any attempt to resist or organize was a summary execution by the firm. Pascal was horrified, but lacked the courage to speak out or blow the whistle. And so, despite his misgivings, he joined in on the brutality and atrocities. Every night, in the privacy of his chambers, he cried and looked at his sidearm with longing but not courage. When the deployment ended after a long year and he returned to Armstrong, he was not the same man. Depressed, he quit his job, spending his days quietly getting drunk. He began arguing more with his understandably concerned wife, and rebuffed all attempts to snap him out of his dazed, numb state. Finally, though, he did the unthinkable- he struck Maximilian with little to no provocation. This, of all things got through to him. He feared the things he had done, the things he wished he hadn't enjoyed, and what would become of his family. Guilt-stricken, the weight of it all crashing down at once, he left the moon, wandered towards the Deep Colonies, finding himself on Sycamore. Maybe a rebellion, a fight against injustice, maybe that will help heal his wounds. [b]THEME SONG:[/b] [url=]The Ballad of You Know Who[/url]- Richard Swift [/hider]