[b]Chinatsu Hon [/b] [i] Konoha, Team 6 [/i] Chinatsu had packed six apples, three red and three green. Leaving four total apples left, she slowly turned to Akira which who had not been offered an apple. [b]"Alright, Akira, it's only fair. So would you prefer a red or green apple? I have two of each left now, so it doesn't matter much now but it should help keep your hunger at bay until we can stop to eat something else,"[/b] Chinatsu said, holding a red apple in one hand and a green in the other. It would not be long before she was used to Akira being in the team, she had not expected a third member at least not so quickly and was caught off guard by it. [b]"Akira, what are you exceptionally good at it? And Hiroshi-Sensei, what do we know about the traitor? Specialty? Appearance? Weapons? Long range fighter or close range fighter? Sayuri, you have your scrolls prepared right?"[/b] Chinatsu asked, trying to form somewhat of a basis of a plan. Anything to get them going, she needed to do something and to watch Akira, see what he can do. She needed to adapt to the situation and the longer they stood here the more uneasy she became. [b]"Hirudora, I apologize for any disrespect you might have felt. Akira, I'm sure a giant spider can't hurt you, right? Just take a giant stick and kill it, hmm?"[/b] She asked, attempting to make a joke even though it was something she fails horribly at most of the time. Taking a step towards the now open door, she took a deep breath and glanced at her team mates. [b]"Let the hunt begin,"[/b] Chinatsu said loftily.