Despite the immense value he placed on preventing the dragon from causing any more deaths, Vash couldn’t help but be a little distracted when Sorin summoned a small army of vampires to aid him in the fight, his facial expression shifting into one of shock and astonishment as he watched them appear. And to astound him even more, Sorin seemed to treat the whole ordeal rather casually, only laughing at Vash’s decision to fight. “I never said I [i]didn’t[/i] value my life, or anyone else’s.” Vash shot back angrily. “And what [i]are[/i] those things?!” he demanded to know, gesturing at the newly-summoned vampires. Pulling his attention back towards more important matters, though, Vash cringed at the sounds of Ranma’s pained screams as the explosion engulfed her. He didn’t expect that she would survive, and so, he was thoroughly shocked to see her get up and continue fighting, especially in her horrible state. Vash called to her from a distance, urging her to pull out before she got herself killed, but it quickly became apparent that his words wouldn’t get through to her in such a state. As he ran towards her, though, he stopped at the sight of one of Sorin’s vampires being brought to a swift end by the wyvern’s jaw. He flinched slightly, pulling an arm out in front of him to block the blood splatter from his face, not even knowing [i]what[/i] to feel for the poor creature’s death as he wasn’t certain just how alive it was to begin with. Suddenly, Vash’s black-and-white philosophy was facing gray areas that he had never even imagined. He didn’t have much time to contemplate such things, though, as Ranma met her fate almost immediately thereafter. And despite her feat from earlier, Vash was certain this time that she could not have survived. With a fury of emotion, the Humanoid Typhoon fired several more shots at the underside of the beast’s wings — the only non-armored spot he could count on to deal any damage. Sure, the dragon’s underbelly had been exposed, and if he were fighting a human opponent, Vash would probably be able to determine where any vital areas were and manage to avoid delivering a lethal shot to the abdomen. But he [i]wasn’t[/i] facing a human opponent, and, for fear of killing the thing, he only aimed at the wings. There wasn’t much strategy to aiming for that area anymore, but, it was all he could think of to do to weaken the creature; all he could manage in a desperate attempt to stop the killing.