“Now that we’ve got everyone… let’s go.” Evelyn grumbled silently in her own mind, she was profoundly annoyed; what kind of welcome was that?! Couldn’t they at least have smiled, waved or, hell, have said something? An endless array of profanities was being born in Evelyn’s mind, yet she kept her mouth shut - she knew that one shouldn’t carelessly speak their mind in the presence of the famous SS-rank killer: ‘Neoteris’. 
[i]But it sure would be nice to give her a piece of my mind for once![/i] Evelyn grumbled silently, however, despite her deepest wishes she still loved her life too dearly to be killed so early. She was not allowed to silently complain about her being bossed around by someone she didn’t see as a ‘boss’, instead her whole world was thrown into chaos. Explosions, debris, human bodies and different massacred forms of it. All of her senses exploded with the building: her meta-human physique and senses caused the mere shock of the explosion to send shockwaves of fear and adrenaline throughout her whole body, yet at the same time because of this she was also hit harder than the ‘normal’ individuals around her. She could feel her ears ringing and her body tingled with the sudden explosion of new information - it left her in shock for a brief moment before her brain was able to catch up to what had just happened and begun its work of sending out orders to the rest of her body. “Nightingale, get outside, get some altitude, find out what’s going on, Adrian, Evelyn, get downstairs, this has got to be an attempt on Caro.” Hana’s words finally reached Evelyn’s ears as she began to comprehend the situation around her. It took another second for her to register what Hana had just said, but before she managed to speak her mind Adrian rushed past her, clearly he had been better at recovering from what had just happened. Evelyn shifted her gaze from Adrian’s back to the rest of their little gang, she opened and closed her mouth, seemingly fighting with herself regarding what she should say. “Ahh… Fuck it!” she finally exclaimed out loud as she recognised that this was perhaps not the best moment to start complaining. “Got it, leave it to Adrian and me!” She yelled as she turned around her heels and began to follow in the footsteps that was left behind in the dust from Adrian’s shoes, however before she had taken more than 3 steps she had once again disappeared. The first thing that emerged from the solid concrete wall was her right leg, but soon after her whole body had emerged from the cold wall. She knew these corridors so she hadn’t needed to check her surroundings: she knew she would be completely covered in shadows and thus hidden from view, while at the same time be able to observe what happened in the close vicinity - and what a sight: Adrian had seemingly disarmed two individuals - which Evelyn could deduct where most likely enemies. However the villains didn’t seem to give up like that; instead the quickly darted towards his knife before quickly changing direction towards Adrian - but instead of following the rules of logic he disappeared out of thin air. 
It only took Evelyn’s brain less than a split second to predict the most likely outcome of what his meant - somehow her brain had finally caught up with the situation and had started to function properly. She knew what the guy would do, after all his ability seemed to function in mostly the same way as her own, that much she could empirically deduct from the brief moment she had observed - or perhaps it was just pure intuition? Nevertheless, without thinking she transitioned into another dimension, disappearing from the real world only to appear less than a second later, this time a black, hilt-less katana in her right hand and a modern militarised handgun in her left. Luckily it seemed like her intuition had been correct, almost immediately after she reappeared with weapons in hand she could feel the hard impact of steel against steel as her sword at least seemed to redirect the knife’s arc a little bit - luckily it was enough to stop the knife from dealing a severe injury to her colleague. “Whew!” She exclaimed suddenly, breaking the tense atmosphere that existed in the room, “boy do you owe me, Adrian!” she grinned for a second before she changed completely: this time her expression was ice-cold as she changed her towards the male in front of her. “Now who might you be, I wonder…?” She spoke coldly before she used her sword to create space between the three of them. 
“That question goes for you too” She yelled, her gun pointing at the woman further ahead of her. She wasn’t sure who they were, but it was clear that these two individuals weren’t someone she should take lightly.