Michelle was going through her deck, checking if everything was up to her expectations. She pulled out her ace monster, Splendid Venus, and sighed in happiness. Then the announcement sounded throughout the school. Immediately her head shot up and looked at a speaker, ecstatic when she heard the news. Michelle put her deck inside her Duel Disk and turned to Freya. "Come on, let's go!" Michelle said, grabbing Freya's arm and dragging her along. "[i]Woah, slow down, Michelle. There's no hurry[/i]," Freya said, although she was just as excited as Michelle was. "Yeah, but we're competing in that tournament!" Michelle replied. "It's going to be awesome! There will be tons of other Duelists there, and we're going to do our best to beat them!" "[i]We're going to have a heck of a time[/i]," Freya commented. "[i]We're facing those Xyz and Synchro monsters, and we don't have any ourselves[/i]." "Synchro, schymchro, we'll show them who's boss!" Michelle replied as they headed towards Duel Arena B.