Mike moved prowler along the edge in a half crouch, Rifle braced against his shoulder as he watched for movement in the alleys and streets. it was tedious, and nerve racking work. while the enemy could hide among the buildings, his only defense was the paint on his gear, shifting slightly as he continued on his path. Frowning he stopped and zoomed in on a building in the distance. "blown out windows, abraded stucco, sun bleached ragged drapes, no movement. Mike's sight picture rocked slightly as the shockwave hit, followed shortly by the sound of explosives. "The hell?!" mike muttered as silver came over his headset. resisting the urge to turn and look, mike threw the active sensors on, pinging the surroundings and erasing all semblance of stealth. [I]"Nawlin, Double time it! We gotta clear this area and move ta reinforce th' others!"[/I] Mike yelled as he located several plausible targets, the computer selecting odd densities and electrical signals. Aiming the sniper cannon at a cluster of targets, he paused, ensureing a clean shot when Blade once again called in. [I] "Anything on your side!?"[/I] Mike growled as he fired a shot at the building, the sensors said possible Mech, he was guessing abandoned auto shop. just in case he was wrong, he pulled the shot short, the round impacting the street instead. Shrapnel peppered the wall, but wouldn't penetrate. he called, sighting in on the rolling shutters.