[quote=Kronshi] "No thanks, and I can fight her, I could beat her, but she won't stay down. I know because this happened before, this sword is proof of my victory," I say, unsheathing my greatsword, "This used to be one of her fangs, but when I killed her with it, the blood somehow mutated it into this blade." [/quote] "it don't care if she stay's down, as long as we beat her down hard enough to keep that energy out of here. I can't stand it and if I can feel it from here I can't even think of what she can do" he said clearly a bit irritated from the head ache he was given. His mouth had a large bulge from the gumball now in his mouth. Looking at the man's sword he was in awe (damnit) and nodded. "that's impressive, killing a beast with her own fang, maybe it's special"