Shirley tried to catch Nita with an outstretched arm before she rushed off, but she wasn't quick enough. She did want to help those other people, but rushing in was rarely ever effective. She sighed and chased after her, although she arrived at the scene a little bit later. She was fairly newly cursed. Her fair skin now looked ashen and was starting to peel to what would become the average undead skin. This change saddened her. She was often called pretty, and she did like how she looked. Well, she used to, that is. Nowadays, she just wore the hood of her red dress up, covering her face in shadow. She grabbed the talisman clipped at her belt and brought to her side, holding it with both hands. She brought her hands up, twisting them around the ball of light that was emerging from her talisman and pushed it forth towards the giant's leg, or at least what looked like it's leg. "Emit Force!" She really didn't have any idea what this...thing was. Her goal, however. Was simply to knock it off balance. It didn't seem like something that could move quickly, and if they could knock it down, perhaps they could buy some time to formulate a plan or find a weakpoint to defeat it.