A few drinks in, and Hook was feeling superior. The bar felt cozier and warm, and the desire to find a companion for the evening, at least for a little entertainment, stirred more bravery in him, at least, more than usual. His eyes flickered across the room, glancing over each table, eyeing the ladies and whom they may be with. Hope had lead him to believe he'd find him someone lonely and unoccupied, but he was never opposed to stealing a lady from under another lad's arm. The tables seemed full to the brim with people, as the evening was at it's peak. Laughter, music, dancing, and the roar of conversation filled the room with nearly unbearable sound, and after such a long trip, Hook was starting to feel as if the bar scene maybe wasn't the best choice for his first evening ashore. He winced in response to a loud woman's cackling, and moved away from the area. The fireplace seemed to calm his unease, allowing him to down the last gulp of his pint. His eyes dropped from his drink to a young woman who'd been sitting by her lonesome near the fireplace. He hadn't seen her before, but he was glad he had. His mouth formed into a confident smirk and he wandered over to her table, sitting next to her and placing his cup on the table. "Someone looks rather lonely." He assumed, "The bar is a little rowdy for a kind looking lass as yourself." A barmaid wandered over, trying to overt his attention, he quickly put his hand up, he actually didn't desire for the distraction, "I'll have another, and I'd like one for her as well." The drink may have been an invitation for me, and he hoped she'd take it. He was growing tired of the evening, but he felt the need to stay.