Ruby crossed her arms and stared at him hard, her bright blue eyes uncomfortably focused as she squinted a little. Growling, she turned on her heels and moved towards the door of the apartment building thing. "First of all, you're fatter than me, you idiot! Secondly, I know what a skank is and I assure you, I'm not one of them." She insisted as she allowed him to beat the door down. Rolling her eyes, she followed in behind him and descended down the staircase before looking around with a raised eyebrow. She would have to find an apartment with no one in it and a computer, of sorts. Sighing, she moved to one and knocked, waiting for someone who inevitably didn't answer. "In fact..." She murmured as she sunk to her knees and pulled her trusty lock-picking tools out. "... I've never been with a man." She didn't really give a shit about Eli knowing that, he wasn't even her type, if she had a type. She had convinced herself a while ago that she just wasn't really attracted to anybody; people weren't very trustworthy. Even Eli could only be trusted to a certain degree, he was still a Merc and if paid right, he would kill her off just as easily as the hundreds of others he had killed. Finally, after another minute, the lock suddenly clicked happily and she pushed the door open before getting up again. "And don't think about telling anyone about that! Or I'll have to shank you." She warned as she packed her tools away and moved into the apartment. It was exactly what she needed; just a normal house with a completely normal computer. "Now go lie down, this will take me at least fifteen minutes if the police have made their systems any stronger from the last time I hacked them." After clicking the computer on, she moved into the kitchen and found a juice-box, which she greedily stole and drunk while loading up the computer. After about five minutes of having to load the damn thing and set-up everything she needed, she began to work away at breaking into the police and governmental systems. She needed the floor plan of the building, and control of surrounding cameras. Ruby worked on the police files first, finding where this drug dealer was and what cell he was being held in. After all that, she got the architectural plan of the building and printed it off before clearly indicating where Eli should travel on his path of destruction. "Right hot-shot, everything should be ready."