This was as far south as she had ever been, and most likely the furthest she’d ever go. The ground was not covered in snow, and the air wasn’t as crisp, but with the changing seasons the sky was thick with clouds and threatening to rain at any moment. It gave Arydnia a sense of home, and comfort, but it still wasn’t enough to make her forget why they had travelled all this way. It had taken a fortnight to travel from Taeron to the gates of the Labyrinth, and by the time they had reached the field of departure, night had fallen upon them. With only hours before midnight, and the start of Arydnia's sacrificial ceremony, the men feasted and gathered amongst each other. As it was against tradition for anyone other then her family to see her before the ceremony she kept to herself in her tent, eating alone and preparing by herself. As time passed, and the ceremony was finally upon her, Arydnia found herself in a bit of a predicament. Standing before a mirror in her ceremonial garb, her hands trembled visibly as she held them out before her. '[i]Come on, stop shaking.[/i]' While she felt nothing, or rather, she thought she felt nothing, Arydnia couldn't ease her nerves even as she scolded herself. Pacing around and taking even breaths, she waved her palms trying to rid herself of any lingering anxiety. "[b]It's time, M'lady.[/b]" A voice from outside her tent said, his words causing her to freeze in place. Mouth dry, she swallowed hard and finally willed up the courage to answer back, "Coming." She called out halfheartedly, gaze falling to the rug beneath her feet in a defeated manner. Walking over to a large trunk in the center of the room, she lifted the latch and slowly opened the top. At the bottom of the crate sat a gold plated belt attached to a tall broad sword, the Tobolt crest was engraved boldly onto the shoulder of the blade. Taking the items into hand she attached the belt along her hips, and adjusted the sword so it sat comfortably against her. Taking a look at herself one last time, she gave a heavy sigh before stepping out of the tent. '[i]Now or never.[/i]' The Kings Guard all fell to their knees at her presence, their swords sinking deep into the earth as the men bowed their heads to her. Licking her lips nervously as she took in the sight before her, her eyes soon fell to her father as he held his arms out to her. “[b]Kneel, Arydnia.[/b]” Taking one final breath to calm her nerves, she went before her father on one knee, and bowed her head. Addressing the men surrounding them, her fathers voice rang out amongst the trees, “[b]Today we have all gathered here to celebrate the life, and death of my daughter, and your princess, Arydnia Tobolt.[/b]” In a salute, their fists pounded against their armor, the rattling of their chain mail echoing in her ears. “[b]In honor of the future-king, Aeris, she will sacrifice herself on her 18th name day to the Labyrinth, and will return to us in anew.[/b]” They saluted her again, pounding their chests passionately. Emerging from the Kings tent, Aeris took slow and graceful steps towards them. In his hand sat a rich, golden crown made of twisted branches and roots. Flowers, leaves, and berries adorned the crown, and as it was handed to the king, he slowly placed it onto Arydnia's head. “[b]I bless you with the crown of Tellus. May her energy fill you and give you the strength to face, and defeat your enemies.[/b]" Taking a step back and standing next to his son, the King opened his arms and smiled down at his daughter, "[b]Now rise, Arydnia.[/b]" Standing proudly before her House, Arydnia eyes sat steadily on her father as he placed a hand on her shoulder. “[b]The North will honor your sacrifice for the ages to come, and the gods will bow their heads to your bravery. I've seen great things in you, my daughter. I know you'll make all of us proud.[/b]” She could see nothing but greed in the eyes of her father. Even as he encouraged her, she could hear the hunger, and ferocity behind his words and it caused her jaw to tighten in disdain. Staring at her father with a hardened look, she finally returned his words with a curt nod, “Thank you, your grace.” Turning her gaze to her brother, she bowed her head before him as he stepped up to her. Unclipping the chain from his cloak, Aeris removed the heavy wolf pelt and draped it over Arydnia’s shoulders before securing it with the gold chain. “[b]May Jaho watch over you, sister.[/b]” His words were sincere, as was the uneasy look on his face. As his twin, the girl could feel her brothers pain. She knew that once she out of the picture, he would soon become just like her father. Filled with greed, and craving power. If only things could be different. “And you, brother. May the gods bless your reign.” There was so much more she wanted to say, but Arydnia knew that her time here was up. Letting her hand drop, she looked to her father, waiting further instructions. “[b]From here, you will set off to the Field of Departure where you will draw the Gate Circle. Remember, it must be past midnight for the ritual to work.[/b]" From the thicket, Sir. Ramsay led out a tall white mare, the soft clopping of its hooves forcing all eyes on him. Motioning out with his arm, her father called the Knight forward as his voice rang out again, "[b]Royalty is forbidden to go any further until the gates have closed, so Sir. Ramsay will lead you there.[/b]" Turning to face the old Knight, she was met with silence as everyone bowed their heads to her. With slow steps Arydnia walked up to the horse, her palm petting the mares neck before she helped up onto the saddle. Gazing back at her brother, a heavy frown stretched across her features as she watched his head bow low, "[b]For the good of the Kingdom, and by the blood of the House.[/b]" In unison, the Kings Guard and even her brother, and father chanted their words as she was lead away, leaving their voices to echo through the tree's in a powerful chorus. This was an honor, she reminded herself, their was no other person that could fulfill her duty. So with a heavy heart, and her head low, she repeated their words to herself in a quiet tone, "For the good of the Kingdom, and by the blood of the House..." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As they walked through the forest, Arydnia found comfort in the silence that surrounded them. They passed up a few camps, catching sight of other travelers waiting for their chance to enter the gate. The sheer number of people waiting to enter the Labyrinth was astounding, but they were all here for the same thing. To attain magical artifacts, and slay beasts in the honor of the country, kingdom, or people. “[b]Are you afraid?[/b]” Pulled from her thoughts the sudden question had taken her by surprise, and as he turned to look at her with concern, Arydnia felt her stomach churn in dread. No one, not even she had asked herself this question. She had prepared for this day for years, training non-stop, and listening to her father constantly remind her of the glory, and honor she’d bring to the House upon her sacrifice. It was her duty as the Princess of Taeron, and as a Tobolt, so she could [i]not[/i] be afraid. “No, I am not.” Her tone lacked any depth, and her eyes were as hard as stone. She had prepared for this day all her life, but even though she refused to show it, Arydnia was terrified of the unknown and what would meet her on the other side of the gate. Arriving at the center of the field, Arydnia pulled her leg over the saddle and hopped down from the large horse. Walking forward and taking in the large field, her voice broke through the silence as she began to draw a large circle in the dirt with her foot, "Are we alone, Ramsay?" Looking up at the Knight once she finished the circle, he gave her a stern nod before grasping the reigns of the horse. Carefully drawing a five pointed star in the center of the circle, Arydnia slowly began to carve out symbols in the dirt. Scriptures from the old language sat in every edge of the star, and once she finished the last rune she stood in the center. “[b]Midnight, my lady.[/b]” Swallowing hard, she nodded slowly before turning to face the Captain, "Right, give me the dagger." Removing it from his belt and tossing her the blade, the Knight grinned as she caught it easily by the grip. "[b]I've taught you well, girl. Now use that strength to see your way through this.[/b]" Pulling himself onto saddle, the horse trotted in spot as he tugged on the reigns, "[b]We'll see each other again, Princess.[/b]" Eyebrows knitting together in doubt, Arydnia gave a hesitant nod, "Of course. Until another day, Sir. Ramsay." With her words the Knight kicked his boot into the horses side, forcing it into a gallop as he rode away. Left by herself, she waited until he was out of sight in the forest before she began. Taking the blade into her left hand and squeezing the edge tightly, she pulled the grip of the dagger, slicing deep into the palm of her hand. “I call upon the blood of my blood,” Squeezing her hand into a fist and holding it out, she spilt blood along the ring of the circle, outlining the pentagram as she continued, “I, Arydnia Tobolt, Princess of the Kingdom of Taeron, sacrifice myself in honor of the future king and give myself willingly to the Labyrinth.” From her blood, a thick, black substance began to spill out, defining the edge of the circle, and the runes she had drawn within it. Like a heartbeat, the pentagram pulsed with light, glowing a dull red as it began to open the gates to the Labyrinth. A cold wind swept past her, going through her clothes and sending a harsh shiver down her spine. It was the winds of the North, and they howled at her approach. Sweeping around her and clouding her vision with the dust, she raise her hands up, covering her eyes and shielding her face as the icy storm whipped at her skin. The ground beneath her boots began to shift like waves, and soon she began to sink into the ground like quicksand. Swirling around her ankles and calves, it locked her in place as it began to liquify into a dense, tar like substance. Her breathing grew erratic, and in confusion and terror she began to claw at the earth around her, desperately trying to pull herself out. Struggling only seemed to worsen things, sinking her even faster. From the muck, tar covered hands began to rise from the surface, oozing the black liquid over her clothes and body as the hands grabbed at her arms and hair. Slender, feminine shapes attached to the hands began to drape themselves over Arydnia in effort to pull her down. Losing her grip, she looked to the sky one last time and before she could even scream, darkness overcame her and she was swallowed whole. ---------------------------------------------------------- Her mind was plagued by horrific images during her unconsciousness. Blood, death, and agonizing screams filled her head, and sent a shiver down her spine. Faces of the women before her flashed before her eyes, and as their screams rang in her ears, she was finally forced awake. Gasping for air, and sitting up from her spot along the ground a cold sweat ran through her body as she became fully alert, and aware of her surroundings. Lifting her hands and looking at her clothes, the black tar was no where to be found on her body, however the foul taste of ash had taken over her pallet and the gash on her hand was still bleeding. Looking around and realizing she was in the presence of others, she watched as they rose from their sleep and looked around in the same confusion. Staying cautious, seeing as she didn't know any of these people, she slowly stood from the ground and dusted off her clothes. The crown atop her head had wilted away, leaving the flowers and plants, dry and dead. Taking its deteriorated state as an omen, she dropping it on the floor and turned to face the unfamiliar figures surrounding her. As a few seemed to begin to chat, Arydnia's focus quickly fell to the strange plains surrounding them. Like the color of the tar that had swarmed her, the dark, soot-like dirt beneath her feet caused an uneasy feeling to swell within her chest, eyes turning up, she gazed up at the large moon, admiring the size as it towered over them. "Where are we?"