Yeah sure okay why not. I match my zodiac quite well, at least, in my opinion. I'm Scottish and very proud of that fact. I'm one of those people that is very quiet in a group of people I don't know that well, but goes completely crazy around my closest friends and family. I'm also very bad at keeping in contact with people, so unless me and you are mega close, we're probably not gonna talk very much. I left school at 16, and started my first job last week, despite being out of education for over a year. I am a major procrastinator, I even procrastinate things I enjoy sometimes. I believe that truth is better than a lie, even if the truth hurts. Despite that, I still try to sugar coat things, because the last thing I want is to hurt someone I care about. It doesn't make for a very good combination, and more often than not I'll try to avoid talking about negativity. It's rather easy to get me to like you, I try to get along with most everyone. My problem is that most people don't like me, and whilst I try not to let it bother me, I get let down a lot. Be warned though, if you even mention something I'm passionate about, you will find trouble getting me to shut up about it. I get really over excited when someone is into the same things as I am and I'll basically try to make them my best friend instantly. Also my mind usually goes blank when asked to talk about myself, so really, I'm surprised I managed this much So, what do you think?