Chris' eyed flickered between the two as the conversation hurried on. Everything she wanted to say lodged in her throat, only part out of choice. The urge to keep Mercy from going anywhere near the psycho in the attic grew stronger the more they talked, but she reminded herself it was not her place to tell Mercy what to do, however much she found herself caring. So she kept quiet and occupied herself with watching them. It was the least she could do to distract herself from the pain crippling her arm. Her anger bubbled incessantly when Dog placed the heaviest of the blame on her. What did they expect her to do, when she walked in on her only family lying limp in a confirmed nutjob's arms? Of course Dog would defend him. Chris tried to decipher how Mercy felt about the whole situation from just her expression, but soon enough she spoke as well. Briefly, Mercy seemed concerned with Chris' injury, but Chris did her best to hide her pain and held her arms as normally as possible. If anyone knew how useless her hand was, they might stop her from leaving. Still, Mercy changed her mind before she could assess the damage. Chris stepped forward to stop Mercy from leaving the room, from putting herself in the same attic as that madman, but the other woman moved too quickly. Alone together again, Tony rose slowly into a sitting position on the bed. He murmured to draw his friend's attention before tapping her side lightly. She turned around, abandoning her act, and slipped to her knees in front of him. “I was so scared,” she mumbled to him, ducking her head to his lap. As rare as it was, seeing her like this made his chest tighten. He shuffled off the bed and knelt on the floor, wrapping his arms around her. “It's okay,” he soothed, rubbing circles on her back the way her grandfather would when she was young and her parents kicked her out. “I'm okay, see. Perfectly healthy.” Chris returned the hug with one arm, leaving the other pressed loosely at her side. “You're hurt, Chris. Please let someone look at it?” Quickly recovering, she shook her head. “We're leaving.”