[hider=Image][img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/168/a/a/Post_Apocalypse_Portrait_1_by_mizzd_stock.jpg][/hider] [youtube]0e1aC8WyGgY[/youtube] [b]SUBMIT FORM #001 - NICKI F SHARPE[/b] [b]AKA -[/b] Nicki, Stitches, Sharp, [s]Pain-In-The-Neck[/s] [b]AGE -[/b] 23 years [b]D.O.B -[/b] 05/10/[REDACTED] [b]M/F -[/B] F [B]♀[/B] [B]ADDITIONAL APPEARANCE NOTES - [/b] First Aid Cross tattooed onto right shoulder (over aztec/mayan tattoo). [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] [i][SoundFile_7696:PLU27] - Now playing[/i] [ ► ] [ ▌▌] [ ██ ] [b]"Please describe the personality of #076, sir."[/b] -- "R-right...yeah, sure, I'll tell you. She's a complete and utter monster, she is. For starters, don't get me wrong, she's not dumb - quite the opposite, in fact, she's so damn smart you don't even realise that she's mapped you out like a book until she tells you straight off the bat something you ain't never talked about since '55. She's like one of them 'child prodigies' gone bad, I guess..." -- [b]"and you believe this has something to do with her Psyche intake?"[/b] -- "Psyche? God Damnit, man, it don't matter whether or not she's hopped up on Psyche - which, mind you, she is - or if she's clean as a bone, this girl's got crazy in her genes! That's the problem, ain't it, when you get so smart that eventually you forget you're human. Eccentric as hell, completely unhinged." "Now, don't get me wrong here boys, she's not some psychotic killer. She's not a mad scientist either. She's a [i]MEDIC.[/i] she's devoting her life to trying to heal the sick and save the wounded, bring them back from the brink of death...she's playing god with a pair of tweezers and a bottle of rubbing alcohol to keep her busy. And if you got any clue, any plan at all, to get her big ol' head working for you lot? Scrap it. She don't take orders from no-one." -- [b]"what about her weaknesses?"[/b] -- "What, her flaws? Her Psyche, for sure. The word 'limit' means absolutely nothing to her, if she uses a lotta power, then who cares? She'll shoot up another bottle and be raring to go in no time. Cut her off from her supply and deplete her energy, and you'll be able to bring her down. Also, she got this...this [i]thing[/i], this habit. If she likes someone and they like her back, god forbid, they aren't friends - you're her property. I've heard her get mad at guys for 'touching her stuff" after they hurt her friends. Simply put, you find the ones she likes and you kill them, that'll knock the fight right outta her." -- [b]"Thank you for your input. Guards, please return this man to his holding cell."[/b] -- "LIKE HELL AM I GONNA LET ANY ONE O' YOU MOTHE-" [i]ERROR - [SoundFile_7696:PLU27] has stopped working.[/i] [B]LIKES:[/B] Psyche, puzzles, gratuitous amounts of violence, adrenaline, 'interesting' wounds and diseases, reading, knitting. Anything and everything that makes her have to think. [B]DISLIKES:[/B] Death, weakness, torture, boredom, large spaces, 'simple' wounds and diseases, people being scared of her. [b]NOTABLE SKILLS:[/b] - Intelligence - Good at Knitting - Surprisingly efficient at combat [b]PSYCHE ABILITIES:[/b] Mainly a very, very strong grasp on telekinesis - boosted by the fact she has a regular supply of Psyche at her fingertips. She certainly doesn't mean to use it often, but it doesn't take a lot for her to idly start affecting the things around her...generally, when she gets angry or distraught, things might start floating. Due to her extreme instability, it's not hard to get her angry or distraught. The way she usually uses her powers (intentionally) is a 'no holding back' type of fighting. Perhaps it's the shortened lifespan, but she doesn't seem to worry too much about the drawbacks - which tend to kick in midway or after the fight has finished. The migraines can get so severe that she might crumple onto the floor in pain mid-battle. She seems to use a much weaker form of telekinesis to work on surgery (after all, holding someone down with the same power used to move heavy objects around would not be very beneficial to the patient), but even then, the active effort of trying to remain delicate and precise is just as much of a strain on her as it is fighting with telekinesis. [b]NOTABLE FAMILY MEMBERS:[/b] [i]GENE SCAN COMPLETE. RESULTS ARE AS SHOWN...[/i] - Tegmine Sharpe: Father: Martian: ALIVE - Chara Sharpe: Mother: Martian: ALIVE - Dabih Sharpe: Sister: Martian: DECEASED - CAUSE OF DEATH: PSYCHE OVERDOSE [b]NOTABLE FRIENDS:[/b] [i]ERROR: UNAUTHORISED ACCESS[/i] -You are attempting to access files that have a [B]LEVEL 2[/B] classification!- [b]TIMELINE:[/b] Nobody really knows where Nicki F Sharpe originated from, really. Her records say that a woman under that name was given a file in the UWW a few weeks back in Sycamore, so most of the information was passed down by word-of-mouth, and documented once there was a proper amount of evidence or witnesses to conform it. - She worked as a nurse in a hospital orbiting Jupiter, that suffered financial difficulties for a number of years. It wasn't well maintained despite being in UNES' main solar system, mainly due to being a privately funded station. - Eventually, the catastrophic anti-gravity failure happened after 5 years of shoddy maintenance checks; surgeries were impossible to conduct under such conditions, artificial breathing aids stopped working and bio-hazardous substances were floating mid-air. Nicki used her Psyche to try and help patients into escape pods as fast as possible, even using the ambulances as means of shipping Patients back towards the Moon for better treatment. - With the anti-gravity disabled, technicians were too busy trying to get the systems online to see the space debris headed towardd the hospital in orbit. It was, in essence, a disaster; a large breach opened up in the cafeteria, sucking out at least a quarter of the oxygen supplies before the hospital went into lockdown and the escape pods automatically enabled; with Nicki still in one, helping an elderly man who was suffering from a panic attack. - Disgusted by the failure of the hospital so close to home, Nicki formally resigned from her nursing career and proceeded to run away from UNES; hence the new file being created a few weeks ago, as soon as she entered Defective Alliance territory. She was picked up due to her medical career and brought in for questioning. Whatever happened after that clearly left her quite irritated, yet she claims that she's being given a large sum of money to be working on the Medusa if she comes back alive.