[center][i]Shikaroku's next genjutsu training! A request made to Aiko, --- This has been written by Chromehound and Lesli. Summary : Shikaroku has requested another genjutsu training from Aiko, to which she has agreed on. Today Shikaroku learns something new about genjutsu.[/center][/i] [hider=Training and requests] Walking through the streets of the village, Shikaroku made his way out towards the training fields. He was significantly less nervous than the last time he had gone to meet with Aiko, and this time he had made sure to prepare. Shikaroku had spent the entire week working on his chakra control and researching different forms of genjutsu. This time he felt like he would have a little more knowledge to help in his understanding, and he even had a technique in mind that he wanted to try and learn. Entering the field, Shikaroku spotted Aiko and smiled. Waving at her briefly, he increased his pace so that he wouldn't make her wait any longer. [b]"Good morning Aiko-sama!"[/b] She had also just entered the field. Noticing him, she waved back as well smiled. [b]''Morning Shikaroku. How are you today?''[/b] She asked as she approached him. Running a hand through her red hair, she laughed briefly. [b]''Do please excuse me as this is a mere shadow clone. I didn't want to disappoint you with telling you I couldn't come to train you in person, but there are some things that need to be taken care off.''[/b] She explained to him, lowering her right arm. Approaching the jounin, Shikaroku wasn't disappointed at all. Aiko had another team to train, and he was just happy that she had taken some time to help him as well. [b]"It is no bother Aiko-sama. Thank you for meeting me once again."[/b] Lowering his head briefly in a sign of respect, Shikaroku realized that he hadn't answered her prior question and quickly added, [b]"-And I am doing well thank you. How about yourself?"[/b] [b]''So far so good. Wish I could be here in person to help you though.''[/b] She told him, still having a smile on her lips. Looking around the empty field, she turned her attention soon back on the Nara. [b]''I hope you had some time to train yourself. How has that been?''[/b] She asked him, genuinely curious to hear if he would have had some time to try to improve his chakra control. Nodding his head, Shikaroku responded quickly. [b]"I have spent some time each day working on the exercises that you showed me, and I think it has helped a fair bit."[/b] Though he hadn't had time to really practice and see how much the exercises had helped, Shikaroku definitely felt like he had a better understanding of how his chakra worked now, and he could manage it more efficiently. [b]"I have also spent some time researching a few genjutsu techniques, ones that it may be a little easier for me to start with. Unless of course there was anything specific that you had in mind?"[/b] [b]''I haven't yet managed to find some time to look for a technique, though I can easily think of some.''[/b] She told him. Thinking about it, she then nodded. [b]''But if you have spent some time researching, lets discuss it then together. I am very curious as eager to hear what you have managed to learn about.''[/b] Aiko smiled as she would lower herself to sit on her but. She was also thinking about some fairly basic and weak genjutsu that she could pass to him in case that he would prefer that. [b]"Well, as you mentioned, genjutsu is typically designed to attack the senses. For me, it would be most practical to find techniques that would disorient my opponents so that I could use my shadow techniques with more efficiency."[/b] Pausing, he wondered how to phrase what he wanted to say next. [b]"I thought it would be more logical to focus on genjutsu that affected sight first. If I could confuse my enemy into into seeing something else, or temporarily blind them, then I could take advantage of that confusion to trap them with my shadow jutsu."[/b] The words of Shikaroku interested Aiko. It was interesting in how he had researched on how he could try to improve the use of his shadows with genjutsu. [b]''That is indeed a good idea.''[/b] She said. There were several genjutsu appearing in Aiko's mind, but so far each were either too difficult or ones she hadn't master. And to teach him the Hidden Mist technique or something like that wouldn't do any good. He wasn't trained, yet perhaps, in the art of Silent Killing. [b]''Have you managed to find a genjutsu which can perform something like that?''[/b] Nodding his head excitedly, Shikaroku beamed. [b]"I have, yes."[/b] Beginning to pace, Shikaroku clasped his hands together behind his back. [b]"There are three techniques that I have been interested in. Two of the techniques were actually in my clan records, which surprised me at first, as I was not aware that we used genjutsu often. The third technique is actually a little more basic."[/b] Continuing to pace, Shikaroku hoped that he wasn't boring Aiko with his more drawn out explanations, and he figured that he should probably cut to the chase. [b]"The third technique is one that you may be familiar with. The Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing technique."[/b] Glancing at Aiko, he would wait to see if she was familiar with the jutsu before continuing. Not one, but three? Aiko had to say she was pleasantly surprised by the display of enthusiasm of Shikaroku. Next to that the Nara clan had genjutsu, which surprised Aiko as well. Curious to ask about, she waited until she could speak up. [b]''I am quite familiar with that one. Good work, Shikaroku.''[/b] Flashing a warm smile, she started to ponder on what they should do. Deciding to ask a question before she would make a decision, Aiko spoke up. [b]''What are those Nara genjutsu? Like, can you tell me in a short version about them? I am very curious to learn about them, if you don't mind me.''[/b] Pleased that Aiko seemed to appreciate the effort he had put into researching, Shikaroku nodded. Continuing to pace, he began speaking once again. [b]"The first of the genjutsu that I learned of was kind of a combination jutsu of sorts. It employs the use of my shadow technique with a genjutsu that makes the victim believe that they are falling through the shadow into a bottomless pit. During that time, they remain unaware of what is going on around them, and that gives the user plenty of time to take care of them."[/b] Pausing, he let out a sad smile. [b]"At the moment I believe that technique is a little too advanced for me, as it requires precise control, along with having my opponent already caught in the shadow. The second technique, however, would be a little more plausible for me to learn. Basically, it simply requires the target to be standing near a shadow. Be it from a tree, a large boulder, anything would work, but there needs to be some sort of shadow already present. From there, the user makes themselves visible, and forms a handseal to get the target's attention. The handseal isn't a necessity, as the genjutsu simply requires that the target looks at the user. From there, the target will be unable to move. They will think that they are trapped in the shadow, and from there will be paralyzed. It functions much in the same way as my clan's shadow imitation technique, but for two major differences. The shadow will not actually be controlling the target, and the target will not mimic the movements of the caster."[/b] Coming to a full stop, Shikaroku turned towards Aiko. [b]"So.. uh, what do you think?"[/b] Aiko ran a hand through her hair as she smiled. The genjutsu he informed her about were interesting. She could see some strong and weak points in genjutsu as that. But instead of trying to analyze them, she would have to make a decision. [b]''Lets begin with some simple. Those two techniques of your clan piqued my interest, but they seem a bit too advanced for now. It is far better to start at a more reasonable and lower level when you try to learn about a specialized field.''[/b] Aiko explained. The problem was however that she was now just a mere shadow clone. Which mean that she had to adapt the training to it. Not that she would have to change that much. [b]''Have you read the scroll about the Hell Viewing Technique by any chance?''[/b] A little disappointed, Shikaroku understood her point. His excitement picked back up however, when she asked if he'd read the scroll about the Hell Viewing Technique. Fumbling through his pack, Shikaroku pulled out the scroll. [b]"I have, Aiko-sama! And I brought it with me, just in case."[/b] Noticing that he was a bit disappointed, Aiko smiled more when he pulled the scroll out. [b]''Very good of you! This might make it easier to learn and master this technique, on which you can then proceed to learn those who you have mentioned!''[/b] Aiko said, hoping it would both cheer as motivate the boy. [b]''Now, lets start to analyze the genjutsu first. Can you tell me both the advantages as disadvantages of the technique?''[/b] Pulling from memory, Shikaroku thought for a moment before speaking. [b]"The main advantage is that the technique pulls from the victim's own fears, meaning that the target is fooled into seeing things that will affect them deeply. They also don't have to remain stationary for the technique to work, which helps to make them believe that the genjutsu is real."[/b] Pausing, he thought back to all that he had read about the technique. [b]"The obvious disadvantages are that someone trained against genjutsu may be able to recognize it fairly easily and then dissolve the technique. It also does not paralyze or otherwise harm the target in any way, leaving them free to move around still."[/b] Looking to Aiko, Shikaroku waited to see if she had thought of anything else. [b]''That is about right.''[/b] Aiko said, wanting to say she was impressed or at least happy that he had managed to analyze the technique in such a detailed fashion. From most student she had, only a very few were able to analyze a technique like that. What made it more impressive in her opinion was that he wasn't properly trained yet in genjutsu, but had made such a nice analysis. Thinking further about it, it was said that genjutsu was one of the difficult field of ninjutsu to understand. [b]''Knowing this, how would you apply the genjutsu in a battle then?''[/b] Thinking about it for a moment, Shikaroku tried to come up with a plan. [b]"My first goal would be to distract the target. Potentially through the use of flash tag or explosive tag, or perhaps by using another technique to get them into the position that I would want them in. From there, I would employ the genjutsu. When their vision is blocked by the leaves, I would then move quickly to a place of cover. I would observe them then to see how the genjutsu affected them, that way I don't rush in if they somehow dissolve the genjutsu."[/b] Pacing again, Shikaroku could already see a few holes in his plan, but he had gone too far to make those corrections now. [b]"If I am convinced that they are caught under the genjutsu, then I would move into a position where I could trap them with my shadow technique."[/b] Glancing over to Aiko, he wondered what she thought of his plan. Slowly, Aiko raised her arms, crossing them out front of her chest. A small smile started to grow on her lips as she heard Shikaroku's answer. [b]''Good. That is how you should use the genjutsu. Genjutsu like these aren't developed and used to overwhelm or confuse an opponent to deal a blow on them. It is meant to try to make an opening for another move, but not one for a direct hack and slash.''[/b] Aiko then thought about something. [b]''Why don't we try it out?''[/b] His eyes widening briefly, Shikaroku was thrown off guard. He hadn't expected Aiko to get him to try it out this quickly. [b]"Are... are you sure?"[/b] He asked, the excitement clear in his voice. The opportunity filled him with eagerness, but Shikaroku didn't want to get his hopes up just yet... If he failed at using the technique then he would end up looking more foolish than anything. Making a shadow clone, who would take a bit of a distance. Around a few meters, Aiko laughed. [b]''Of course. Why else would I suggest it? I am maybe not that strict as your sensei, but I am neither always joking around. Go ahead. Make me proud.''[/b] Aiko said, hoping she could motivate him a bit with her words. Even taking a step back to give a clear signal that he had the stage, Aiko took a closer watch of Shikaroku than her shadow clone. Hesitating for a moment, Shikaroku finally nodded with a smile. [b]"Thank you Aiko-sama."[/b] Stepping towards her shadow clone, Shikaroku focused, taking several deep breaths. Recalling how the technique worked from what he'd read of the scroll, he began focusing his chakra. Forming the handseal, Shikaroku locked eyes with the clone and released his chakra. [i]Here goes nothing...[/i] He thought, waiting to see if the clone was affected. At first the clone seemed to be calm and then there was a small frown. Due the clone being under the effect of the genjutsu it seemed that it was freaking out about nothing. Turning pale, the hands of the clone shot towards her mouth as it seemed that she wanted to scream her lungs out. No sound was produced however as the eyes widened and the skin became more pale. It had something morbid to it, Aiko thought to see herself in such agony and fear. The genjutsu wouldn't be a problem and not even effective against her, but she had let her Shadow clone suffer to give a good idea to Shikaroku how an inexperienced victim would react to it. Then the clone poofed away, resulting that there was a twitch underneath Aiko's right eye. [b]''Well done.''[/b] Stepping backwards in shock, Shikaroku hadn't quite expected it to work. The reaction of Aiko's clone was enough to make him want to know what she was seeing, whatever it was, it was clearly horrifying. Throwing a glance towards Aiko, he slowly smiled. [b]"It... it worked?!"[/b] Relief spilled onto his face and Shikaroku didn't reallally know how to react. [b]''It most certainly did.''[/b] Aiko answered. It was a bit adorable to see him react like that, but she decided to not voice that. [b]''Now you have seen how an inexperienced victim would react to it, how would you use that in a battle?''[/b] Aiko decided to ask. Due the shadow clone she had briefly seen the fear that the genjutsu had produced. A very vile image that she managed to shove away, but it was still troublesome. [b]"Do you mean a battle in which I am a part of a team, or a solo fight Aiko-sama?"[/b] The question was an important one as it would vary his plan greatly. He had already thought of several different ways he could use it, but would wait for Aiko's answer before choosing which response he would go with. [b]''Lets first go with solo and then with your team.''[/b] Aiko decided to answer. Though she was more interested to hear how he would do in a solo fight, Aiko figured that Shikaroku was more of a team fighter. Considering how the Nara techniques worked, though Aiko wasn't that experienced with them. Nodding his head, Shikaroku decided on a plan. [b]"Well... now that I have seen what it looks like against an affected target, I would adjust my plan slightly."[/b] Taking a breath, he clasped his hands together. [b]"The distraction would remain the same. I would make sure to draw their attention and focus, but instead of showing myself to the target, I would make sure to keep myself hidden from view before hitting them with the genjutsu. Once they were under its effects, I would move in with my shadow release and trap them in position."[/b] Taking some time to think about which plan he would go with if it came to a team fight situation, Shikaroku began pacing again. [b]"In a situation where I would have my team with me, that would require a little more coordination. I am going to work under the assumption that this is a straight fight, and neither team had time to prepare an ambush or such, if... that is okay?"[/b] He hesitated momentarily, but continued without waiting for permission. [b]"The overall goal would be to divide and conquer, splitting the enemy team up, and taking them out one by one. I am lucky enough to have two sensory types on my team, which would help in locating our opponents. Using Masami-san's Byakuugan, I would have her locate the enemy team. From there, Mia would draw them out using her speed and her ninken to avoid being overtaken. Once the three opponents are within range, I would make sure to remain hidden, and approach from behind them. I would have Masami-san move in to support Mia, and to push the enemies apart from each other. Once they are separated, I would use that genjutsu to distract the one nearest to me. Once the target was under the spell, I would use my shadow release to draw that person away from the fight where I could finish them off. Then, provided we all still have enough chakra, we would repeat the same steps, with some minor variations, in order to split up the remaining two enemies and finish them off with relative ease."[/b] Aiko paid great attention to both his answers. When he asked his question, she had been thinking about it but seeing he continued, she would wait and see what he would give her as an answer. Though she was happy that he gave her that many details, she had little to almost no idea about his team members. Only their surnames gave an idea on what their fighting styles would be. [b]''Your first answer is a very nice one. Ambushes and such is what I specialize in and must say out of experience that they give a certain. Edge.''[/b] A smile crept on her lips as she thought about it. Realizing it could sound maybe a bit too arrogant, she wiped the smile from her face. The second answer was now what she would need to critize. [b]''But lets discuss and question your second approach. I hear and notice that you're quite good with devising strategies, no?''[/b] Aiko asked first, making the assumption from the quick thinking he had done and the plan itself. Yes, there were some flaws, but he had no information about his enemies. It would be rather cruel to then critize his whole plan because he had no information about the opposition. Besides, what plan was perfect in any sense? [b]''What will you do if it turns out that one of the opponents manage to by pass your plan? Like a sensory shinobi. How would that affect your plan?''[/b] Aiko asked, trying to sound more curious as she didn't had the intention to sound like she was doubting his plan or ability to create an answer to it. Shikaroku shrugged when she mentioned that he was good with devising strategies. It wasn't something he'd ever thought much about, and when he was stressed, or tried to focus too hard... That's when the pain came back. Thinking about her question, Shikaroku looked back up. [b]"Then we quickly adjust the plan to fit with the new requirements. Locate the sensory nin first so that they are no longer able to provide aid to their teammates. There's no point trying to sneak up on one, so instead we would employ a larger distraction. Forcing the sensory nin into a position where we have the advantage would be the first step, and once that is complete then we can move in and continue the original plan with the remaining enemies."[/b] Pausing for a moment, he decided to add something else. [b]"Ideally I would love to have time to actually survey the enemy force first, so that I could get an idea of what we were facing before trying to plan anything. But with limited knowledge, that would be the plan I would go with."[/b] That was it. Aiko had hoped he would add something like that. Placing her right hand on her hip, she made a short gesture with her left hand. [b]''Then why not survey the enemy? You have two scouts at your disposal. Knowing their limits and using what you know about the general type of sensor, I am sure you could figure out a grand plan.''[/b] Aiko said. Then she decided to throw out a compliment, cause she figured he had deserved one in her opinion. [b]''I would love to have you aiding my team, considering how well you make plans.''[/b] Letting out a short laugh, Shikaroku scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He didn't do too well with comments. Blushing and turning around, he was happy he had come to train with Aiko. [b]"I don't know how much help I would be Aiko-sama, but... thanks. Judging by your skills as a sensei, your team must be quite a force to be reckoned with already."[/b] Lowering his head slightly, he didn't turn back before adding, [b]"I just wish I knew how to help my team a little more so that we could work together more efficiently. I know it takes time... Sorry. You aren't here to hear me complain. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you taking the time to help me Aiko-sama."[/b] Turning back to her, Shikaroku managed to flash her a smile, along with a quick bow. Her a good sensei? The first team training of the current formation of Team 8 had been a complete disaster. But Aiko would accept the words with a smile, while she mentally heavily disagreed. Yet, it was nice to be complimented. [b]''It is no bother, Shikaroku. If you wouldn't complain then another wouldn't know what would be wrong if you wouldn't voice it.''[/b] Aiko reacted, shortly letting out a laugh. Maybe she should use that reason from now when she wanted to complain? [b]''And maybe I should request you to join my team on a mission. With somebody like you making a plan, I could just sit back and enjoy some free time.''[/b] Winking, it was clear that it was a mere joke. Laughing a little more warmly this time, Shikaroku realized that he hadn't actually joked around with anyone in quite some time. It felt strange, but nice in the sense that he was actually able to relax. [b]"It would be an honour, Aiko-sama."[/b] He said, chuckling again. [b]"You'd just have to get past stubborn Hiron. He wasn't too happy with our last team performance..."[/b] Thinking back to Hiron's words after the mission he had given them, Shikaroku felt a little embarrassed. He had wanted to do better... wanted the team to do better, and now they weren't able to train together as a team for some time. Laughing, Aiko found his reply quite funny. But it was no surprise from the reputation that Hiron held. [b]''Don't worry. I get along with Hiron.''[/b] Though she was interested why he wasn't happy about the last performance of Team 9. Knowing how stern Hiron could be, Aiko had several ideas. It was tempting to ask it, but it wasn't any of her concern. [b]''If you need any advise or help, you can always try to reach me. I might have it busy, but I won't mind to help out.''[/b] [b]"That means a lot, Aiko-sama. Thank you."[/b] Bowing his head politely once again, Shikaroku remembered something he wanted to ask. [b]"Are... are you going to the exams Aiko-sama?"[/b] Waving his thanks away, like it was a worry, Aiko didn't see it as a thing he would need to bow his head for. But the question was one she hadn't expected. [b]''Yes. Two of my students are signed up to participate in it. Why you ask, if I may do so.''[/b] Aiko politely asked back. It made her wonder if Shikaroku had any connections to either Katsu or Koike. Though the latter would be a huge surprise if that was so. Shuffling awkwardly, he hadn't realized that she had two students participating. Hopefully he didn't have to face them... Looking back to Aiko, Shikaroku scratched the back of his head again. [b]"Um... well, I was kinda wondering if you'd maybe want to watch my match? Sorry... I just thought... You've been a huge help, Aiko-sama, I know you'll probably be really busy watching your students... Just, if you had time, and... and if you wanted to... it would mean a lot seeing you there."[/b] Looking away again, Shikaroku blushed. Aiko blinked twice. There were several matches she would need to attend. Raising her right hand to run it through her hair, Aiko smiled. [b]''I think I am now the one who is honored, Shikaroku.''[/b] Lowering her hand, Aiko made a slow and short bow in his direction. [b]''I would be honored and am very happy that you invited me to watch your match. You can count on me cheering for you.''[/b] Aiko told him. For a moment Aiko wasn't sure what else she could say. It was cute. Looking up, Shikaroku beamed. [b]"Thank you Aiko-sama. Hopefully now I can convince Hiron to come cheer for me as well... I'll probably need all the help I can get."[/b] Chuckling slightly to let her know he wasn't entirely serious about needing that much help, Shikaroku tilted his head to the side. [b]"Hopefully I don't end up against any of your students though... But if I do, please cheer for them, I wouldn't want to make anything awkward..."[/b] He found himself standing a little taller now that she had agreed to come see his match however, and it made him feel happy. Truth be told, Aiko thought about it and she would find it interesting. The genjutsu skill of Koike was much more advanced than Shikaroku. His new trained genjutsu skills would pale in comparison, but she hadn't forgotten about Shikaroku's shadow techniques. It would be certainly interesting to see how that would turn out. She considered he would be capable of going at Katsu. If his confidence would only be a bit higher. [b]''Don't worry about it. I have gotten to know Hiron pretty good and if he is willing to train and invest time in you, he will watch. He is all tough on the outside, but can be very soft on the inside.''[/b] Then she decided something. [b]''But I think that concludes our training today. Which means I have to release this clone. What about if we will drink some tea later together? Maybe with some cake?''[/b] At the mention of tea, his eyes lit up. [b]"That would be delicious! I mean... uh... That sounds good, thank you Aiko-sama."[/b] She was right about Hiron, and Shikaroku knew it, he just didn't want to put all his hope on it and have it dashed. [b]"Thank you again for this training Aiko-sama. I will continue to practice the technique, and hopefully someday I will be ready to try some more advanced stuff."[/b] Nodding, Aiko's hands were brought together to form the dispel handsignal. [b]''Be careful and don't over do it.''[/b] Aiko said, quite happy that he was eager to continue his practice with the technique. [b]''I think you will be ready before you even know it. Take care and if there is something,''[/b] Aiko chuckled very briefly. [b]''Just let me know. Good day, Shikaroku. I will later let you know when I have some free time.''[/b] With that the the shadow clone that had been present and helped Shikaroku all this time poofed away. [/hider]