Darlith looked surprised at Nat. His tracking skills were exceptional, and he must have tracked down loads of people. In the mercenary line of work, that's most of what you have to do, really. "And jumping out on the path of dirt would've hurt them. They must have jumped to either side of the path." she said, and looked to the both sides. One side was dense with trees and if they would have jumped to this side - they would've been injured and at the worst case scenario - dead. So this wasn't the side they jumped out, so she glanced to the other side. While it was dense, it wasn't as dense as the other side and it had quite a bit of flora. It would have been much softer landing than landing on the clay path itself. She crouched in front and started staring at this patch of ground, trying to find any indication that it happened here. And to her surprise - it was there. It seemed like someone was lying down there. "Nat! I found it. They jumped off right here. Well, at least that's where they stopped and I take it - waited for Orcs to go past. Their tracks must be..." she took a few steps into the forest. "... here." she noticed four footprints, going in completely different direction, than the orcs searched in. She was rather excited, and looked back at Nat, who didn't seem to be too amused. He did seem out of it to Darlith for a little bit of time now. "Nat? Look, I'm going after the trail, I have to know who were the people they were trying to catch. I don't know if you're interested or not, but I won't hold a grudge if you decide not to follow me." and she stepped deeper into the forest. It was more difficult that she thought it would have been. Darlith had been following the tracks for good two hours, but it would just become a hundred times more difficult as night was setting. But Darlith was lucky - it was just enough time to cross the forest. "If the Orcs would've found their tracks... Those boys aren't cautious, now are they?" she asked herself. The forest had become rather thin, with just several trees around and then she noticed smoke in the orange horizon. A village. She had to punch a tree and a smile appeared on her face. "Of course, where else they would've went? To the halflings. This village is so well hidden that it's actually scary. But I guess they manage to live by themselves." she scratched her head. "But will the halflings let me inside?" as she wasn't certain, she was hoping to wait for Nat to catch up with her, quite a bit of ways away from the village.