[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/LAshoov.png][/center] Inadi continued shooting towards where the shots were coming from and was doing his best to try and figure out where the opponents were located. Yet his blind offensive didn't stop him from being shot a couple of times in the arm, dropping his health down ten percent. After that Jasper took a shot right on the head and that made him feel even worse than the previous shot he watched her take. Inadi desperately wanted to get a hold of the opposing team and just end the contest right then and there, but with how little vision he had in the swamp it was unlikely he was going to get good shots on whoever it was that was shooting at them, and it was suicide for him to just charge ahead like a fool. A little later on Inadi heard some small footsteps heading over to them. The nerves in his hands began quivering as he knew what it was. They were trying to force them out of their cover. And once they did, whoever this group was would probably put them all down. Judging from the sloshing sounds it seemed like it was three people in all. At that point Inadi deduced it was the rest of their group playing the game. Yet another sound wiped away his concerns and made brand new ones as a giant shaking crash caught his attention. Apparently it also got Harper's attention as he began suggesting a quick get away. He turned around to see a giant robot with artillery to match. It was clear that this thing was gonna cause some kind of problem for all of them. Just as he was about to start firing on the robot, Jasper grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the log. Quickly regaining his balance Inadi kept up the pace with Jasper and some of the others as he tried to blindly fire behind him at the robot, hearing a few plops here and there from the paint. The robot returned fire and luckily just hit a tree, but the tree sadly turned into a stump afterward. This made a little bit more adrenaline find its way to Inadi's legs as he began blazing through the path in front of them. Soon after the robot was chasing after Aiden it seemed and it was at this point Inadi finally caught his breath. This whole little game had turned into some kind of nightmare. Who would have thought this was just a fun past time when on the outside looking in. Definitely not him. As Jasper and Harper began talking truce, Inadi started firing away at the robot even before the pinky swear was made. Inadi took a couple quick shots back in response but he was able to only lose about another 15% to his overall health. He still had three quarters left in the tank, and he figured that was more than enough to win this out. Aiden then began chuckling at the sight of another enemy team in the forest. Pink by the looks of it. Inadi watched as Aiden and Lizbeth both took care of their targets and Jasper finished off hers. She was a lot lower in the health bar situation than he was, and when another pink member showed up he quickly took aim and barraged the last player with a spray of paint. Two shots in the chest, a couple in the legs and more than a few in the head. A quick elimination, though looking down at his own chest Inadi saw two pink shots splatter on his gear. Looking at his health bar he saw it was now 65% as a whole. Shaking his head in disappointment he looked over to Jasper with a chuckle. “Somehow I get the feeling that we won't be doing these kinds of things professionally.” He joked with her as he returned his attention to the others while reloading his gun. Again, they made the temporary truce to take out the robot and with the sudden shooting between Est and Aiden it was clear the truce had lived out the purpose it needed to. Giving a quick nod to Jasper, he picked up the sight of his weapon and began raining paint back on Lesley, Harper and Leila. The quick screeches from them made him almost feel bad about the sudden about face, but oh well. Somebody had to win and it certainly wasn't going to be Lesley if Inadi had anything to say about it. As an added joke, Inadi landed a shot on Lesley's head and began running for cover. “Hope you like my new color suggestion for your hair Les! I think it fits you better than that pink get up anyway!” He laughed as he quickly found a large boulder to hide behind. Inadi began scouring the field to find a trace of Jasper, and while he did so he noticed he was already down to 45% on his health. He was shocked that he lost another 20%, but he figured that with him running and looking for cover it gave somebody a great opportunity to get some shots on him. He just hoped that the others were about as worse off as he was after the rain of paint he brought down on them.