[b]Crossfire[/b] Suddenly, over the echoes of a single gunshot, came two more. Then five, seven, twelve. It was the sound of two different firearms shooting in unison. From a distance, one could see three different figures or three different sizes running towards the vehicles. Those with hawk-eye vision would know it was DeSean, Hank and Floyd. DeSean had made it to the small town and luckily ran into Hank and Floyd as the two were making their way out. But unfortunately, it wasn't all good news when a shot rang out from where the vehicles were. A level up uprising started in DeSean's head when that happened, hoping everyone would be alright when they returned. To make things worse, walkers heard that same gunshot, following the noise and following the three survivors when they caught vision of them. Anyhow, once DeSean was close enough to see what was happening, he moved quicker than the others and was the first to shoot. He took out the guy who was already on the ground with an arrow stuck in him. But his rage caused him to shoot multiple times rather than once or twice. Unlike DeSean, Floyd took only one shot, taking out the last of the three humanoid monsters. Once the cannibals were immobilized, DeSean quickly yelled out to the group. "Let's get rolling! Walkers are on their way!" not addressing anything else but that. He didn't help Hank to the car. He didn't even bother to pack the weapons back in the SUV's trunk. He was more concerned in the big picture - survival. Without hesitating, DeSean jumped in the SUV's driver's seat and started the vehicle. He turned to Jennifer who seemed phased at the moment - DeSean not understanding why. Hank took the liberty to jump in his pickup truck with Floyd and Imogen. He started it while looking out his window to see Heather near Seth's car. He didn't stop staring until Floyd nudged him to get going. Everything was happening so fast it didn't give anyone time to think. Where would they go? What happens now? Were questions they should have answered before moving on, but they didn't have that luxury. Instead, they had to retreat and head back towards the unknown. They would probably go back to the intersection they had passed up and take the other route - at least that's what DeSean had in mind as he made a one-eighty and raced down the wet road, windshield wipers at full capacity. Even in that dark episode, DeSean was grateful nobody got hurt during his absence. Though it was close, no harm came to any of his friends. Hank on the other hand was still worried. He had a hard time forgetting all the events that he had encountered in the last couple hours. The one specific image of Heather was just not fading away. As he drove, he bit his bottom lip furiously. Floyd looked at Hank, but then turned to the rode as he decided to let the man breathe, rather than be on his back. Floyd had seen those eyes many times, over and over again. Men broken down to pieces by mere incidents - it was an awful feeling. Seth in the other vehicle was experiencing the same thing. When Heather had given him a gun back there, he had just thrown in it in the car rather than hold onto it. He didn't want a damn weapon - he didn't think he knew how to use it properly. In fact, truth was he didn't want to use the gun, because he didn't think he had the manpower to do it. Like Hank, he felt weaker than everything, feeling sorry for himself and his incapability of saving the lives of his friends. Being the last vehicle in the line of retreat, Seth felt as though he deserved to be in the back of the line. He hadn't even acknowledged Aaliyah yet, not wanting her to reassure him at the moment. What he wanted was silence, nothing more.