[b]Alex Clark - Scouts - Sub-urbs -Rudy/Danny[/b] Rolling his eyes as he saw and heard Chris and Jamie entering in the so-manieth bickering amongst the two, he silently cursed in the privacy of his own skull. He wanted to knock their heads together and keep their minds on the task at hand. They couldn't quite agree with eachother on most subjects it seemed, and they both just did not stop rubbing that in. A sound behind him made him train his gun or a silhouette appearing behind a broken fence, and he quickly lowered his gun when he realized it was Rudy. Or Danny, whichever it was. As the bickering pair stopped sending eachother silent stares as Rudy approached, followed by a girl and a younger lad, who seemed to be in his mid-teens. He waited patiently for Rudy to finish talking to fire some questions in return, when Rudy casually asked him if he would notify Myriah that he would not be coming back. Not coming back? Telling Myriah? Wait what? He frowned in surprise and stepped forwards, letting the rifle hang over his shoulder, within quick reach, but not in his hands, to show that he meant no harm to the two strangers. [b]"You're leaving just like that?"[/b] He asked rather agressively, and immediately toned down his voice a bit as he realized how he sounded. [b]"I mean, why? Who are those two anyways, and how did you find them? I mean, come on, we lost you in a bloody shitstorm in the middle of a crawler herd, and now you've found two survivors and suddenly don't want to return anymore? What's going on... Rudy?"[/b] He then added on a reasonable and calm tone. He could accept Rudy not wanting to return, but the least he could do was explain why.