[quote=Ghirardelli] Antonino DestefanoMale28To those outside the"Family" he tends to be quiet, reserve and observant, though self-confident in his abilities, he's not boisterous or display's in aire of bravado, and most times his demeanor is taken as being aloof, Standoffish and with more than a measure of arrogance. He can, but rarely makes friends easily, but prefers to put his full trust only in those who prove worthy of it. To friends,he is attentive, kind and protective. Has a strong sense of responsibility and Duty to those within the "Family" once they have proven their loyalty. He's not hesitant to take up arms in defense of the "Family" and business interests, he's not a push over and once engaged in combat he can be ruthless and overpowering, fully intent on winning.Antonino is 3rd generation Enforcer whom at the age a 20 was being groomed by his Father to take over his spot as the Corleonesi Family Enforcer, but was forced to leave Sicily in order to save honor after he was caught deflowering the twin daughters of Tommaso Buscetta, a valued ally of the Corleonesi's. After being shipped of to America, He stayed in New York, at first Looking to use his experiance and family ties in Sicily got him a position as a Hitter in one of the "American Families", but for now he freelances his skills to the highest bidder. [/quote] Nvm, I guess we have the Corleonesi Family so that's three. I just saw the post. EDIT: Wait, nvm I was confused. I guess that that's a family that's in Sicily and not a gang for our RP.