[b]Name:[/b] Evvie [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Height:[/b] 5'2'' (excluding horns) [b]Weight:[/b] 136 pounds (dragon body parts add extra weight) [b]Physical Description:[/b] She has a short, sturdy looking body. She doesn't have too much fat due to her level of activity, most of it collecting on her thighs that make them a tad pudgy. You can see some muscle but it's not like a body builder look. Her Caucasian skin tone, due to it's ability to heal itself, has no scars or any other traces of damage such as sunburn, leaving her not as tan as someone who would spend so much time outside. Her chest size is almost as flat as a board. She has some dragon body-parts coming off of her body. First are her two inch long ivory colored horns, a little thicker then a thumb, sprouting from close to the top of her head but slightly foreword and pointed a few degrees off to the side. These are a portion of her skull. She has a two foot long tail extending from the bottom of her spine, starting at it's base as thick as two fists and slowly tapering into a thin tip. The dorsal portion (facing to the outside) is covered it very soft and small green scales. The ventral (inner-side tissue) is a light shade of green, feels kind of muscular like a snake and has small ridges. She has two wings sprouting from her upper back that are about the size of her torso when spread out, revealing tan, leathery feeling tissue that make up the portion of the wing that catches the air. The bone portions of the wing have the same green scales as her tail. Her face is surprisingly soft and unassuming. However, her light purple eyes with slit pupils like a cat (although note quite as pronounced) can look very fierce, but only on rare occasions. Her eyelids are a tad pointed. She has a button nose (no, not an actual button, just to clarify). Her two "canine teeth" are more pointed then in normal humans but not enough to stick out of her mouth. Her hair, including her eyebrows, which has nothing out of the ordinary beside the color, is light purple. She very rarely fixes her hair, and given her active outdoor lifestyle makes it more often then not a complete mess. She does cut it on occasion when it's so long that it rubs against her wings, so the length could be anywhere between shoulder length to midway down her back. She often cuts it herself so it's rarely done properly. Like her hair, it's unexpected for her to have fixed up other areas of her body. She almost never wears makeup, nail polish, etc. [b]Psychological Description:[/b] (She's slightly more mature then the info given due to her slightly older age then what this was written for, but she's still childish and prone to the same antics) She's stubborn, overconfident, and almost never backs down from a fight. If something is boring to her then she rarely does it. That being said she can be incredibly lazy at times, putting off stuff she doesn't like to do until the last minute. She's prone to pouting and throwing temper tantrums when things don't go her way, and that being said she hates to lose, especially if someone does something that she considers to be cheating or they make a fool of her. She's okay with loosing if it's an epic battle that was fun and made her look cool despite the loss, such as if she was able to dropkick a God and lose, it would still be something to brag about. She's an attention hog, enjoying boasting about accomplishments and entertaining people with what she considers entertaining, such as her feats of strength. She's not a very good listener when it comes to other people, however. She has little patience, especially for long, boring tales. Despite all of her flaws she tries to be a good person. She's not a bad girl, being more like a misbehaved one, especially when she doesn't understand all of the human rules such as personal property, which resulted in most of her more serious crimes at first such as unknowing theft and trespassing. The more time she spends with humans the more she's getting the hang of how to properly act, although she still has some issues on occasion and doesn't care much for formal etiquette even if she does understand it. Related to this fact is her lack of understanding of the purpose of clothing. She thinks it's mainly just for protection from the cold and has no concern or concept in the slightest for modesty. Her naivety in this matter, and in many others, know no bonds. She often has poor posture and behaves in ways a lot of people are too embarrassed or find socially unacceptable to do such as putting her feet on the table, picking her teeth, etc. Her behavior is often considered very tomboyish. Her grammar and pronunciation can be terrible and she's not completely fluent, but has been taught most words that commoners in a fantasy setting would often use. Just don't expect her to be quoting Shakespeare. She has no knowledge in writing. She's not very intelligent, although she has her clever moments from time to time. It's more accurate to say that she's uneducated rather then dumb, although she's still not the sharpest crayon in the box by any means. During combat she has no problem killing monsters or other enemies, although is not completely unmerciful so won't strike down those who no longer pose a threat unless they're clearly going to die anyways and should be put out of their misery. Sometimes if she gets worked up her dragon instincts take over and she feels an almost sadistic urge for battle and enjoys wiping out the enemy, and in such a mood it's harder to stop herself from getting carried away. She may even start behaving animalistic like a predator stalking her prey. However, normal fighting won't trigger such a response. The enemy has to be particularly cruel. For good qualities she never betrays anyone (well, in a serious way), is playful, stands by her word (if she says she'll do something. She does tell lies), protects those weaker then her, and lends a helping hand for a variety of tasks. She's not motivated by money, having few personal possessions. She's self sufficient, so doesn't have to rely on humans for her survival for most aspects of her life. However, when she does do things for humans she often gets compensation usually by way of food or a place to stay for the night. She doesn't mind sleeping outside and hunting for her own food, but also doesn't mind the human way of living from time to time. Her primary motivation for helping humans in the past was that she enjoyed the attention and praise that her heroic deeds brought to her. Another motivation was her enjoyment of combat. Fighting monsters that threatened the humans not only fulfilled her primary objective, but it also gave her things to fight in the meantime. However, as she spent more time with humans then she began to actually feel some attachment and willingness to protect those she cares about. For mannerisms, she growls and tucks her wings inward when angry, often accompanied by sharp flicks of her tail. Flicking of her tail doesn't always mean she's angry, however. If the tail is loosely flowing around from side to side with some playful flicks then she's clearly content. When she's very excited her wings can flap like crazy. It's obvious when she's worried by if her tail tenses up. She likes to let out "ferocious roars" during battle or at other times to psych herself out. If wanting to mock someone, she very commonly sticks out her tongue. She sometimes bites people when angry, but not always to cause serious harm, just to prove a point that she's angry with them. [b]Tier:[/b] 4 [b][u]Powers/Abilities/Skills:[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] 5 tons max. 90 mile an hour max running speed with max flying speed at 180 miles an hour, but only swooping downward. Limited official training, especially with weapons that aren't swords, daggers, clubs/maces, and staffs, but has plenty of battlefield experience. Her durability is nearly bullet proof for low caliber, able to survive a hail of gunfire and withstand strikes from heavy clubs without faltering. However, her blunt force trauma defense is greater than cutting defense. She also has enhanced reaction times and enhanced sight, smell, hearing, and taste. She can see in the dark better then humans, but not as much as cats. [b]Skill Set-[/b] Ambidextrous. Tail trained for balance, whipping, and some grasping (poor at finer manipulation and can't get a good grip). Outdoor survival related stuff such as tracking, climbing, navigating by stars, and poisonous plants knowledge (but sometimes confuses herself). Some practice with the sword, mace, dagger, and unarmed combat, but very limited official weapon training. Surprisingly incredible at juggling and belly dancing, likely useless in combat besides insanely rare scenarios. [b]Heat resistance-[/b] 100% burn resistant and very high tolerance of anything heat based. She can still suffer from heat stroke from insanely high temperatures over long periods of time. A far more likely scenario is that she could inhale too much smoke and die that way. She can swim in lava no problem. [b]Tail Twitcher-[/b] Like a lizard, Evvie can pop off her tail if she gets caught by it and the tail can squirm around by itself for a while, as her body also has nerves that can twitch on their own accord when the brain isn't active. [b]Dragon Spirit-[/b] She's not easily frightened or intimidated even through magical means and can tolerate pain greater then most people, even able to nearly completely disregard it. This could be a disadvantage if she underestimates or doesn't notice a wound. [b]Noncorruptable-[/b] Due to her dragon half, she cannot be turned into anything else such as a vampire or werewolf. One exception is that she can be turned into a zombie, as that is more simply making her undead rather then altering physiology, or whatever it is you'd like to call it. [b]Internal Flame-[/b] She has magical powers through use of her internal flame, a corporeal fire in the center of her body that can only be detected by those who can see it's magical or thermal energy. This flame gives off heat, making her average body temperature at around 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold temperatures weaken her internal flame, thus limiting her magical abilities, although the flame can help keep her warm until its simply becomes too weakened. In normal temperatures, as long as she's well nourished and in good spirits then there shouldn't be a problem with her internal flame weakening too much. Fits of intense rage or determination can enhance it briefly. The flame only goes out completely upon death...probably. The following powers need magic, and thus internal flame, to pull off. [b]Fire Breath-[/b] The flame can grow into a stream as twice as large and hot as a flamethrower at maximum output. She cannot breath in while doing this and gets short of breath faster the larger she makes the flame, so at maximum she'd have to stop to catch her breath after only 2 ticks worth of time. Because this fire breath is the basis of all her fire based moves, she can tend to run out of breath a lot if she relies too much on her fire attacks. Besides temporarily running out of breath she cannot run out of fire breath as long as her internal flame is still burning strong. If she sneezes she has trouble containing fire shooting from her nose. [b]Smoke Breath-[/b] Burning fire in her stomach on the first tick, she can then open her mouth and breath out a bunch of smoke on the second tick. [b]Fire Control-[/b] She's able to control her own fire. For example, she can breath it into her hand and then form it into a ball to toss it at her opponent. Once fire exits her general proximity then it begins to loose it's thermal energy as fire normally would. Therefore, she can keep a flame on her body active for long periods of time, but toss it out at an enemy and it will go away rather quickly. Fire control takes concentration, so even if she can keep fire going on her body for a long time, get distracted and it might go away. [b]Solid Flame-[/b] She can create flames that form a physical mass of fire capable of deflecting moderate attacks as long as she can keep the flame going, making it necessary to continually remain in contact with it and supply energy. To use this move she has to blow fire as normal and then mold it together. The larger she makes it the more energy it takes, and creating more then around half of her own body size and this move starts to falter. She can mold the fire with her hands or feet. To create an object the size of a 4 foot long sword requires 2 ticks of time, the first tick involving blowing the fire and initial manipulation to start forming the desired shape, then the next turn it finishes it's look and solidifies. [b]Body Heater-[/b] Evvie can heat up her body temperature even higher then it is normally at the expense of some constant energy use. Touching her can result in an instant burn on normal human flesh if using this ability to the maximum extent after 3 ticks of time, but otherwise it would just be at first uncomfortably hot at 2 ticks, burning them only after 2 consecutive ticks in contact (starting on their first response post). This increased body heat can also kill off some bacteria, viruses, etc. in her body that are sensitive to temperature. She can make this technique heat herself up less, sometimes just to warm herself up in cold temperatures, and would only require at most 2 ticks for most natural cold environmental protection. [b]Scale Generation-[/b] A very tiring process, she can form green scales over any of her skin to provide extra defense and then shed them off later. Scales takes 4 ticks from the beginning of its formation (it looks like a coat of sinewy glue at first) until it completely hardens to the defensive power of thin steel plates, each tick until full protection getting stronger and stronger. Her scales are much better then her body at cutting and magic defense, her main weakness when it comes to defense. The scales begin to flake off after 4 ticks in high movement situations, but if she's not putting any stress on them then they could last 8 ticks. Of course direct damage could destroy the scales outright if powerful enough. Due to the strain she cannot cover the same body part again with more scales until after a day or two of rest. Any hair where the scales are generated is destroyed, and the thick hair on her head inhibits scale formation. [b]Flight-[/b] Her wings are not large enough to lift her weight without magical capabilities, being at best like having two small parachutes, so she can only fly by sending magical power through her wings. This magic is like second nature to her and uses hardly any effort, but the fact that it does require some can stop her flying if any anti-magical attacks are used against her. [b]Booster Wing-[/b] This power gives her quick bursts of speed of up to 200 miles an hour for a second before quickly slowing back down to normal speed. She cannot control her flight path during this, going straight ahead. While setting up this move her wings must raise up and stretch outward to their fullest extent before snapping back, requiring 2 ticks of time from start to finish, giving a clear visual cue that she's up to something just beforehand. Wind visibly blasts out from behind her as she travels, which can knock people behind her with an equal and opposite force. This move can only be used once every 5 minutes or so without severely straining her wing muscles. For a minute afterwards she can't use any other powers with her wings besides very weak versions that are almost useless. [b]Wind Gust-[/b] She can use her wings to blow winds up to 50 mile per hour, but used too much or too strong and she runs the risk of tiring her wings out. This is like a weaker booster wing that sends wind forward instead of backwards and doesn't move Evvie as long as she braces for it, but does tend to unbalance her otherwise. [b]Weaknesses-[/b] Coldness is kind of a weakness. She can survive in colder temperatures better due to her internal flame, but her internal flame, and thus her powers, are weakened as a result. Disliking the cold can also cause problems for her. Other weaknesses include most magic and poisons getting past her defenses relatively easily, a poor intellect, long distance combat, and ticklish armpits. [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] [b]Armored Dragon Gauntlet-[/b] This steel accessory is worn on her right wrist and reaches halfway up her forearm. It looks sort of like [url=http://www.heavymagicleather.com/collection/leather/gauntlet001_smdisplay.jpg]this[/url] without the skull design, instead having a dragon motif and a red gem in place of the middle cross thing. Without Evvie's fire blowing on it, this is all the gauntlet is. However, once hit by her fire and her fire only, the gem glows brightly and the metal of the gauntlet lights on fire, spreading across her body where desired before solidifying again. However, it can't take on any shape, just the shape this magical armor was sculpted in by the alchemist who gave it to her after she "outsmarted" him in a riddle by being too dumb to trick. The armor is purple with silver trim and, if summoned in a complete set, looks sort of like [url= http://www.finalfantasy-fxn.net/images/media/5193ce48_final-fantasy-xiv-14-dragoon-art.jpg]this[/url] but without the skin showing and the overly spiky projections. The armor also covers her tail in plated segments overlapping each other and her wings can get tucked inside two wing styled armor pieces pressed against the back of the armor. Over her normal summoned gauntlets can be another pair of dragon claw gauntlets that are just as it sounds, bulky gauntlets that go into sharp 2 inch long daggers for claws on each finger, modeled after a dragon's hand. To add more armor pieces after summoned she'd have to fire blow on the gauntlet gem again, but to un-summon the armor it only takes her to no longer will it to be there or loose conscious control over it. This gauntlet is not loot-able. As a plot point they can try to loot it, realize it only works with her fire, and gives it back in exchange for something else. [b]Dragonfish Scale Underarmor-[/b] Taken from a mythical creature, the scales that make up this suit are dark purplish/blue and fireproof although only as strong as thin iron chainmail. It's a snug fit so it doesn't get in the way of her armor summoning on top. It covers her neck, the front of her torso, and upper thighs (a little less than fingertip length), leaving the shoulders/arms bare and some of her back to allow freedom of movement from her wings and tail. The underarmor is put on through connecting links in the back and latches on top of a weak metal (like iron) two piece bikini-like outfit underneath that will allow for modesty if you choose to loot the underarmor off of it. Without the underarmor on top, the outfit she's reduced to is similar to her previous outfit from other multiverse roleplays but the color is like the underarmor. [b]Dragonheat Staff-[/b] This is a 4 and a half foot long staff made out of a metal twice as durable as steel even when heated up to 4,000 Fahrenheit. It can heat up to the surrounding temperature incredibly fast and retain the heat for up to twice as long as a normal steel object that size would. This is Evvie's signature weapon and cannot be looted, perhaps explained by it being too hot for the character to handle so soon after her defeat, or they couldn't make as good use of it. [b]Wind Stand Ring-[/b] A magic ring she found off an enemy goblin commander she slew who could cling onto the air, hanging in place. The ring is only active when the limb the ring is attached to doesn't move. Moving will dispel the rings power and they will fall back to Earth (or whatever planet they are on). Only upon standing on solid ground does the ring regain it's power. Evvie wears this ring on her right foot, the toe next to the big toe. This allows her to "land" on the air to rest, scout, or whatever from a stable position in between flying. This ring is lootable. [b]Vocal Amplifying Necklace-[/b] This silver colored necklace has a swirly design trinket in it with a hole in the middle. Speaking into the hole amplifies the sound like a megaphone, allowing Evvie to fly around and alert others from great distances, for one example of it's use. This necklace is lootable. [b]History:[/b] Her birth is a mystery to most, including herself, both from a scientific standpoint and who her parents are. The truth is that she was born from a once wicked dragon god named Grethalroune, who had slowly became infatuated with a human woman that he had kidnapped from a village he was terrorizing for it's wealth. He transformed into a humanoid body in an effort to trick her as if he was a knight coming to the rescue. However, she caught onto his ruse and put up a good fight to escape due to him not used to his humanoid body. During the struggle an actual knight came in and wounded him severely with a sacred weapon able kill gods, so it took all of Grethalroune's strength simply to escape with his life empty handed, and he was too wounded from the attack to even regain his power of a God. Only he himself knows what he was up to for the next couple of years, but it was clear that he was angry and wanted revenge on the knight and then recapture the woman. However, he was once again defeated in the attempt, only to surprisingly be spared at the request of the woman. He didn't understand human emotions well so was left baffled for a long while at this, contemplating his predicament while locked in a cell. He was able to regain his god form, but human emotions gained from his experiences spent in his human body had changed him and he couldn't bring himself to use force to break free, much to his own dismay. He suffered severe atonement, but at last had changed his ways and tried to help undue the damage that he had done. The woman, who he found out was named Liralith, forgave him as he slowly began developing a true relationship for the first time. They had one child together, Evvie, before Grethalroune's death while fighting together with the knight to protect his family against the rival Dark Dragon who was angry at his once ally changing sides. Both Grethalroune and the knight died from their wounds but the dark dragon was forced back. He apologized one last time before moving on to the afterlife together with the knight. The different reincarnations of Evvie (she can reincarnate herself through an egg, but this ability is void when she enters the setting of the multiverse) usually follow the same trends unless placed in a different scenario then normal or something extreme happens. Most times she wants to be independent and travels out into the wilderness, exploring and occasionally visiting human settlements when she needs the interaction. Due to her human mother being a relatively normal mortal she had only been around for Evvie's first life, so since then she has either had adopted parents or, more often then not, none at all. She is one of the most powerful beings on her planet, so certain reincarnations of her have gotten a lot of notoriety and legends. The most famous story tells of an immortal dragon goddess covered in glittering emerald scales who single handedly defeated the Dark Dragon and his army; a slight exaggeration to be sure. Her second reincarnation did in fact "slay" him in an epic battle, but with the help of many allies, and the Dark Dragon's resilience allowed him to live on. The most common Evvie I'll use, from which this character sheet is based on, is six "Evvies" down the reincarnation line, still well within the fantasy time period. She was found as a baby outside in the snowy wilderness by an old hermit named Ithrus, who saved her from nearly freezing to death. He raised her as his own child, feeling responsible for her due to no other villagers around the area wanted to raise a half dragon girl. Evvie was largely independent even from an early age, and she even ran away at the age of six, falsely believing that she could make it on her own and didn't feel like she belonged with humans. She fled south, away from the cold, but she came back to the old hermit near death from wild animals and the blizzard. After Ithrus nursed her back to health for a second time she began to form a bond with him and realize how much he truly cared for her, and how she couldn't do everything on her own. However, this revelation didn't stop her from wanting to grow more powerful and be able to fend for herself, and maybe even help him out in the future. She ventured south a lot once she got further into adolescence, but she never stopped visiting up north on occasion despite her hatred of the cold. There are some warrants out for her arrest due to people claiming that she burnt down an entire village and slaughtered it's inhabitants. The only witnesses around claimed to have all seen a half dragon girl running from the scene of the crime, and Evvie was the only one of her kind that they knew of. A lot of the more friendly villages ignored this rumor and don't believe that she'd be capable of such a crime. On occasion she'd help them out and defeat monsters that would have harmed civilians, so to most people she's more of a guardian then a destroyer. It would turn out that she was framed by another half dragon/half human girl known as Avris, who has red wings and a tail, black hair and black eyes, and larger horns. She was born an illegitimate daughter to the Dark Dragon that Evvie's father and the knight fought against long ago, causing their deaths, and Evvie fought before, not succeeding in killing him either as it turned out. Avris's birth was probably used completely as a power play by the Dark Dragon. Avris has all of Evvie's abilities and then some. They fought many times, and despite the odds Evvie was able to kill Avris after disabling her wings during an aerial battle and having her plummet down into a canyon far below. Evvie didn't think to check for the reincarnation egg, which survived the fall and went on to reincarnate Avris. With the constant cycle of reincarnations and resilience present in Evvie, Avris, and the Dark Dragon, such battles showed no sign of stopping. There was some technique that killed Evvie's father, who was equally resilient, but it's probably unknown by all but the one who killed him, the Dark Dragon himself. She later met with a mysterious man with powers of alchemy who, after a series of events, agreed to forge the "most awesomous armor" for her, as she put it, if she could solve his riddle, which she did, much to his dismay. He made good on his promise and made the perfect armor for her to the best of his ability. She later earned her trademark weapon, the Dragonheat Staff, after saving the Dwarf King's life from a vicious dragon attack. With her powers growing and still a lot of potential left to see she was invited by a powerful being to join the fight in some arena for the enjoyment of others. She accepted the offer, wishing to test her might against those of other planets.