[IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/rvetd2.jpg[/IMG] The [I]Alfred Nobel[/I], despite looking like a starship, was a Medical Cruiser dedicated to the transport and support of Magical Peace Corps members. It held, within its facility, hospitals, storage rooms, learning centres, and a library, as well as strong energy shields to protect it from storms and the occasional pirate. It also carried a suite of sleeping gas sprayers, instant seed launchers, and an EMP Pulse that can shut down machinery. Thus, it was well-armed, yet still pacifistic, at least technically so. And, in one of the lecture rooms, which were inside the learning centres, was a boy, a boy about 15 years of age, who was giving his team, a team of people much older than him, a lecture about their destination, theCity of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baler,_Aurora]Baler, Aurora[/url] in the Philippine Islands. "Due to the Philippines' Armed Forces and Police being in disarray due to the Rider War, Baler has become vulnerable to the predations of Organized Crime and Foreign Subversion, subversion speculated to come from the Philippines' former ally, the Chinese Democratic Republic. The CDR, which came to power after the overthrow of China's Communist Regime in the Late 21st Century, after the Coming of Magic* is now under a revanchist regime..." "A regime that sees the Kalayaan Islands - the Spratlys, as rightful Chinese Territory siezed by the Philippines after the overthrow of the Communists. This is seen as a betrayal by the Philippines, especially as these demands came after the country had just saved the world from the meneace of the Riders. So, the two countries are now at logger heads, and the CDR is, as said, speculated to be sending out Magical Agents to cause damage in the Philippines." "One example of such damage...is this." Ascot then showed the group a picture of Baler's Public Market, once a haven of commerce - raw materials can be created with magic, but skill was harder to duplicate, meaning that hand-made handicrafts were high on demand, as well as 'naturally-grown' fruits and vegetables - but now a blasted ruin, strewn about with corpses. "The attack that took down the market was speculated to be Magical in nature, and killed about a hundred people, wounding hundreds more. It is one of the worst terrorist attacks since the end of the Moro and Communist Industries in the early 21st century, and caught a nation unprepared. Now, we are sent to repair the damage, and restore hope to the town. Oh, and to engage in fun and games afterwards." "I won't lie; the Magical Peace Corps is not an armed force. Nor is it a band of mercenary killers. However, it is a naked truth that we are much better-equipped, and, in technical and magical terms, more powerful than many armed forces around the world. Our main objective is to fix things, cure injuries, and help the people rebuild. However, it is also a naked truth that the Philippine Government wants us to fill in for their decimated armed forces and police, meaning that if we come across a crime group or remaining Chinese terrorist, then they will leave us to our own devices and force us to use our technical pacifism to contain the threat. It is sad, and it is a violation of the spirit of our mandate, but I won't lie; it's also our implied orders." "One more thing. You guys all know that in our stopover in Japan, we picked up a new member, a teacher of Magic. Jonathan Alexander Vanderswift, a Mage who seems to be trained in the Samurai Arts, long dying in Modern Japan. Jonathan Alexander Vanderswift, despite said Samurai training, has agreed to join the Corps and engage only in Technical Pacifism for the duration of his stay. However, he will also be teaching you some self-defense lessons. Also, he's a bit of an asshole, so beware," Ascot chuckled and smiled. "Oh, and said self-defense lessons will include not just how to defend yourself with your body and weapons, but also magical techniques; Jonathan is a talented Mage." He smiled. "You'll learn a lot from him." *OOC: This is an edit.