Kevin carefully parked his car near the end of the street, after much insisting from his father that he get some actual "teenaged" experience, though, he'd have preferred it not to be a party. He got out and heard the booming music from the house a couple of yards away, saw some people outside, and a garage worth of cars parked everywhere. He was nearly there when he noticed an odd smell; a mix between human bile and burnt flesh. He shrugged it off as the smell coming from the party and continued to the front door, turning to see an unlit cigarette between the lips of a ninja. One of whom looked pretty frustrated at the situation,"Need a light?" He said, grabbing for the lighter in his pocket. Only now noticing how cold it actually was. In his mind, Kevin was thankful that he wasn't wearing a costume; just jeans and a t-shirt. Also for the fact that he didn't really know anybody at the party, only getting pestered by one of his few friends at school. Shrugging, he produced the lighter and held it out to the ninja-clad teenager before him.