Akira Kurasawa Team 6 Akira reached to take the red apple, giving a nod of appreciation and a kind smile. Taking a bite from the fruit he began to think he'd simply had a bad first impression and that maybe this team would accept him, as he swallowed the food down he spoke. "My skills are close Taijutsu combat, traps, tools and perception." He said in response to Chinatsu's first question while gesturing to the sword on his belt, later shrugging off the attempted joke by forcing a smile and short laugh. "Spiders are no worry for me." There was a clear awkwardness about the way Akira spoke when addressing the girl, he hoped that it would pass sooner rather than later. As the group walked forwards towards the exit Akira looked from Chinatsu to their Sensei, following him as the group set off. "Thank you Sensei, Hirudora, Chinatsu, Sayuri, I trust each of you and promise that your trust in me will be well placed." He maintained his position that Sayuri had suggested, wondering how best to track down this traitor. "Should we fan out? It might be easier to spot traces of someone than if we're clustered together looking at the same areas." He suggested as they passed the village gates.