Shinji still couldn't wrap his head around that opening ceremony. Could of been worse, Last year they built a bowling lane and had him throw out 'the opening strike'. Which resulted in a 7-10 split. He was fairly sure the Principle still gives him an occasional dirty look over that one. As he pulled out his lunch of a tomato and cucumber sandwich, small bag of potato chips, and a can of orange juice. Shinji had sat along with some of the people he knew from the bowling program. They were talking about the first meeting that would be coming up in a week. Some of the students who were interested, it felt like random talk about whatever and nothing in particular. Finally though one of Shinji's teammates piped up with something... interesting? "Hey Shinji, Did you hear the rumors? If you go to the fountain in the park and look into it at midnight, you can see into the future!" Shinji just quietly looked at the person, debating if they're now still friends or not. "That is ridiculous. Whoever told you that owes you an apology for something so goofy." Shinji calmly said, shaking his head with a smirk. Though before any of the others could chime in with something on the rumor. A girl had strolled up next to Shinji, looking quite awkward before finally she bowed her head and extended out with both hands a small box of chocolate. "Shinji... I was just wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight? I thought we could see a movie?" Her voice shook just a little as Shinji silently groaned internally. Couldn't he get past the first day without this? "Uh... actually I'm working at the alley tonight. Sorry." Shinji shrugged with a small smile to try and relax her break. But like it had happened so many times before. Shinji watched the girl seemingly lose her self esteem as she drooped her head. "Oh well... maybe another time?" Before Shinji could answer she left the box of chocolate next to Shinji and seemed to scatter away. Shinji sighed as he looked at the box before shoving it over so the others could dig into it. Which they did almost immediately. Shinji personally couldn't figure out which was worse. The fact his done that so many times, or the fact his getting used to it?