Now that Bobo was done with his act of making the audience both happy and scared, it was Finn's turn to take the spotlight and perform his act. He stepped out into the ring and looked at the crowds of people and heard their gasps of shock at his inhuman appearance. He gave them all a toothy grin, showing his fangs and waved. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the Living Werewolf Finn McGuire and I shall show amazing feats of strength the likes of which you have never seen before with a twelve year old!" he said with a booming voice to the crowd. The spot lights focused on two pairs of four hundred pound weights and Finn quickly moved over to the weights. With what looked like great ease, Finn lifted both of the weights in each of the hands and brought them up to head level. The crowd gave oohs and awes at the feat, but Finn was not done yet. He tossed the weights into the air one at a time and caught them with each of his hands. After he placed the weights back on the ground, he transformed into his werewolf form and some of the audience members gave cries of shock and fear at the sight of his monstrous form. With his extra strength, he took five six hundred pound weights and started juggling them with good technique. The crowd gave more gasps of astonishment and when Finn let all of the weights fall into his arms and place them on the ground, the crowd gave a big cheer. Finn transformed back into his normal form and bowed to the audience and said, "Thank you ladies and gentlemen! I hope you were entertained!" he left the ring feeling happy with his performance and watched the rest of the show.