[hider=Appearance] [img=http://www.corvallisadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/hannibal.jpg] [/hider] [hider=CS] [b]SUBMIT FORM #002 - THOMAS R. GRAYSON[/b] [b]ALIAS[ES][/b] - [b]AGE[/b] - 30 Years. [b]D.O.B[/b] - 23/07/2570 [b]M/F[/b] - Male [b]ADDITIONAL APPEARANCE NOTES[/b] - [b]Personality: [/b] -Calm, cold, and collective. -Likes taking matters in his own hands and is almost always certain his way is the right way. -Self-taught to hide emotions, making him seem disinterested most of the time. -In control of his actions and thoughts. -Tolerant. [b]Likes:[/b] Dogs, being busy, caffeine. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Being doubted, being judged. [b]Talents:[/b] Good observation & People skills. Staying collective under high stress situations. Efficient in medium to close-ranged combat. [b]Psyche Abilities:[/b] Refused any Psyche Intake or any tests concerning Psyche. [b]Family:[/b] Father || Jack Grayson || ALIVE || Deep colonist || Occupation: Jack-of-all-trades Mother || Reilly Fisher || UNKNOWN || Earth born || Occupation: UNKNOWN [b]Friends:[/b] None that stuck, or were of any long lasting relevance. [b]History:[/b] Thomas's past before he arrived at the Aldrin Military Academy has no kept recordings and is only known what he's told us, which was rather brief. He and his father lived under very poor conditions before he decided to leave the planet, presumably born on "Harpocrates". No known track recordsĀ“of this planet had been found due to it's loose connection with the rest of the UNES making the planet a perfect settling spot for fleeing criminals. No information except the name of the mother, presumed fake name or dead due to no recording found of her either. Thomas refused to explain why and how he had managed to arrive at Aldrin Military Academy on Sycamore. Due to his persistent and stubborn attitude, but mainly the rebellion needing more troops, they allowed him into the military academy. He began showing great efficiency early on, proving himself in the eyes of his instructors. Refusing to partake in any social-activity instead of the ones he was forced to, and of course having nowhere to go apart from the school boundaries, he instead dedicated his time into honing his combat skills, and mind. His obedience and dedication was appreciated by many of the schools instructors allowing him to 'skip' the earlier, paper-pushing ranks into gritty combat experience straight away. Hence his early deployment in Frontier 52, a military base near the Academy on Sycamore. There he would further continue his military progression from now on specifically under Captain Hargas's command, taking part in combat missions and almost always successfully accomplishing them. After further more years of showing efficiency and having gained enough expertise and passing most of the necessary remaining tests, he gets promoted as a Captain for the Medusa's new crew. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [/hider]