[center][i]A reunion between a Nimatsu and Yamanaka. Saki and Kensuke. A collab written between Roran Hawkins and Lesli. Summary : It has been around two years since Saki and Kensuke even had seen or spoken to each other. But this morning both had received word that they there is a transfer that they now are in the same team. This led to a reunion between the two. Enjoy![/center][/i] [hider=Sake time!] He had sent the new member a note to visit him on the base of the stairs leading towards the top of the Hokage-faced cliff. Right infront of the stairs was a small courtyard behind the Hokage's palace, or office, or headquarters, or ... you get the point. It was a relatively tranquil place that bathed in the comfortable spring sunshine during this period of the year, and you could often find shinobi and administrative people working near or in the Hokage's office taking a break here, enjoying being outside. Sitting on the stairs, eating a sandwich, he awaited the new member. In fact, 'new' was probably not the correct word. Saki Yamanaka was a sensor nin with whom he had already been on a mission together about a year, or was it two years already, ago. They encountered the Dragon Lotus for the first time back then, and withnessed the 'death of Zakito Hon'. Heading to the meeting place, Saki had a bit of a mixed feeling to this meeting. Sure, she had nothing against Kensuke but it had been such a long time. Not something of weeks or months, but if she remembered it alright, two years. A lot of time had passed and she wasn't sure if he had changed. What she could remember was that she had no trouble of getting along with Kensuke during the missions they had been together on. In her right hand, she had a small plastic bag that held a certain present. Kensuke had been a jounin and she hadn't been able to give him anything considering that she had been abroad, member of a Team Zero. [b]''Kensuke?''[/b] Saki called out, not sure if it was him that was sitting on the stairs. [b]"Yes, that's me. You must be Saki?"[/b] He replied, shielding his eyes from the sun to see her approach. [b]"You've changed quite a bit since we last met."[/b] He added, patting on the tiles besides him as he grabbed a second sandwich, handing it to her. [b]"I hope you're not a vegetarian."[/b] She smiled as she shook her head. Thinking what he could have meant, it was probably her hair style. It was shorter than it was in the past. [b]''I wish I could say the same about you, Kensuke.''[/b] She decided to say, meaning it as a joke back. [b]''I did brought you something. Wasn't sure if you have developed a taste for it, but it is the thought that counts. Unless you follow a religion that won't allow it.''[/b] Saki told him, stretching the plastic bag with the present in it. Hopefully he liked sake. Sending her a skeptical look as she said he hadn't changed at all, and accepted the gift anyways. [b]"Sake?"[/b] He said in surprise. [b]"You are bribing your new sensei into liking you with alcohol?"[/b] He asked. [b]"Not bad."[/b] He then added with a smirk. [b]''I know. Though it was a lucky guess, I have to admit.''[/b] Saki said. For the first time she also would add a joke she wouldn't normally like at all. [b]''Besides, it goes very well with my name. Thought you would love that too.''[/b] Placing her hands on her back, she tried to see if there was much change from the past. He looked in a certain way different. More confident. [b]''I do hope that I am not supposed to do an introduction as a new genin. Or am I?''[/b] Staring at her incomprehensively for a few seconds untill he realized what she meant, he then burst into laughter. [b]"Oh my, yes it does."[/b] Waiting patiently as she let her eyes thoroughly scan him, deciding not to make a suggestive remark about that and instead took a bite out of the sandwich. [b]"I was actually just about to ask that in fact. Please, tell me about yourself. I cannot remember you as a girl who looked like she would use sake to bribe her opponents."[/b] Sighing, Saki lowered her head a bit. [b]''I see that you have managed to gain some humor.''[/b] She muttered quietly. Straighten her back, she would salute in all of a sudden. [b]''Very well, Kensuke, sir. Saki Yamanaka. I wish to become a valuable kunoichi in the service of the Leaf, sir.''[/b] She said, looking quite serious about her act. [b]''My abilities are to scout and spy on targets, sir. I hope this answer does suffice enough, Kensuke Nimatsu. Sir.''[/b] Barely managing to contain his laughter, he poked her with his sandwich as she sat down again. [b]"Thank you, Recruit."[/b] Shaking his head and sighing, he then continued. [b]"What I actually hoped to learn is what you did these past two years, what important skills you learned since then, et cetera."[/b] Sitting down, Saki hid her emotions and thoughts. One of the skills she had picked up on her time as a member of a Team Zero, a spy. Instead she flashed a warm smile. [b]''Just doing missions with other people. I was asked to join another team, which meant I left Team 6. From that time, I was just assigned to all kind of formations where my stealth and long ranged skills would be of use. I am not sure what you remember, but I have managed to learn how to use the bow and some nifty techniques.''[/b] Meanwhile, Saki wanted to ask where most other people were. When she had came back to Konohagakure, Saki hadn't heard anything about Kaname or Lilia. Though she had heard what had happened with Lilia, making Saki actually happy that the girl was growing that fast. Rubbing his chin he waited until she was done speaking. Her story sounded foolproof, and even he had to admit that Konoha drilled its secret agents very well. He had caught vague information about her being employed in Konoha's spying corps from her dossier, which meant she was pretty much a jounin-level spy. There was also a chance he was looking too far for invented theories, but his guts told him he was right. That she had learned how to fight with a bow however was very interesting. [b]"With a bow even. That's very interesting acually."[/b] For a short moment his mind flashed back to the fight they had fought together two years ago, against Katar and Nibo? It was the day he learned that Matsuri had turned rogue and that Zakito had 'died'. It was the day that his teammates had carried him on when he thought of giving up most. Dismissing the painful memory he instead explained what he had done the past two years. [b]"Well, I have for the past two years done some missions, gotten myself incredibly injured, spent about 6 to 7 months in the hospital, did some more missions, became a jounin, and started Team 7!"[/b] It was a heavily summarized explanation that hid many important details he did not want to burden her with or remind himself of, and instead awaited some sort of an answer. [b]''I noticed. Am quite happy to hear that you managed to progress that well.''[/b] Saki told him, meaning what she said. There was a brief pause before she would speak again. [b]''I have heard some rumors and read some stuff that Lilia managed to become a jounin as well? If you don't mind or have anything planned, I wanted to pay her a visit soon. I kind of regret that I wasn't able to keep any contact with her. Or Kaname.''[/b] Saki looked a bit guilty as she felt like that. In her opinion she kind of had dropped the two for the sake of duty. [b]''Have you heard anything about her?''[/b] His smile froze on his face as she mentioned the name of Kaname and for a moment one could see the bottomless pit of sadness in his eyes, a burden that he always carried, hidden deep under in his skin. His voice grew less enthousiastic as he spoke. [b]"Ah... Yes, Lilia has changed her name, but she has done really fine. You should call het Kiyomi now. You can ask herself why. And about Kaname..."[/b] He started, before shrugging and conintuing on a soft tone. [b]"Well, let us say that she is not amongst us anymore."[/b] He wanted to spare her the details, the gruesome details of her death. In fact, it had been Kensuke and Kiyomi who had followed the rogue shinobi named Kaname towards a cave system not far from the Village of Talons, and ultimately killed her in a horrendous fight. The fact that Kensuke confirmed that Kiyomi was doing really fine made Saki feel a bit better. Not completely erasing the guilt however, But as he told that Kaname wasn't longer among them, she looked surprised. Blinking several times it took her some moments before she realized the ugly truth. Kaname was dead? Lowering her head, Saki didn't keep up the false mask. Sadness and regret flowed over her face as she thought about it. Her best friend had perished? When and how? [b]''Who killed her?''[/b] Saki asked, trying to regain her composure. Gritting his teeth he felt the need to lie to her for her, and his own sake. But then he shook his head. It was better to tell her the truth. [b]"About a year ago now, Kaname left the village on a routine visit to the Village of Talons, my hometown, but did not return. When inquiries were sent to my village, they reported that she had never arrived. Shortly after reports of persons going missing and the rising of a rabid shinobi arose, and Kiyomi and me were sent to investigate the matter. Kiyomi brought along some of the 'Konoha Guardians', her apprentices, and I was sent for my knowledge of the terrain and perhaps this rogue's fighting style, who was suspected to be the reason behind Kaname's disappearance."[/b] He told her on a sad and soft tone, staring at the sunny courtyard infront of him as the scene came to life before his eyes. [b]"We were pointed to a cave system, where we searched for this rogue shinobi, and eventually found her. Kaname nearly gutted me and Kiyomi in her ambush, and in the ensuing fight we were forced to end her life."[/b] He finished on the same sad yet dutiful tone. He hated this. He had done it so many times before, visiting people, parents, wives, friends, ... reporting someone's death. It never became easier, especially when he was responsible, and he had never been as responsible as now. The story made Saki only feel more guilty and wary. She remembered that she had requested to join a regular team again. The first time that she heard that she would be transfered to Team 7 from Team 10, Saki hadn't suspected anything. Now she became a bit wary. If Kensuke had ended Kaname's life, was it then that she was assigned underneath his leadership in fear that she would go rogue if he wasn't there to stop her? Or maybe he was tasked to watch over her and if he suspected she would go rogue, to end her life as well. Though a normal person would see this as a sign of paronia, Saki knew better. A spy should always thread carefully around. [b]''That is sad.''[/b] Saki mumbled, looking up to the clouds. [b]''But things like that happen. I won't blame you or Kiyomi. I just wish I could have meant something. Lets.. talk about the other students of your team.''[/b] He was surprised and at the same time worried she was taking it so well. It was obvious the two had been good friends, and he knew she was very good at hiding information. Feelings undoubtedly were a part of that. [b]"Thank you."[/b] He said, still touched somewhere by how she forgave Kiyomi and him so fast. He had always had trouble about placing tough events and his responsability in their outcome, and the effect of her words was as if someone pulled out a splinter from his hand he didn't even know that was there. [b]"To start off we have Ezuri Hyuuga. He is not a typical Hyuuga in that he is quite energetic and reckless to a fault, but he is fairly skilled at what he does. He lacks insight and teamwork, but he means well with what he does. He also uses the water release. Next up is Shisen Inuzuka. A silent and seemingly introvert girl with two ninken who has a sharp assertive side. She too could use a some more teamwork, but again, individual skill and teamwork with her ninken is rather good."[/b] He had not intended to give a dry and factual summary of the genin, and felt a tad guilty that he had, but considering the direction this conversation had taken he felt little need to divulge further. Her lips curled down by hearing what her team members were like. True, most members of the spy corps weren't the best people. But they were drilled in coordination with each other. A spy that worked alone was often doomed to die or being captured. A team that worked together had a much higher risk of succeeding in gaining information or sabotaging the enemy. [b]''No offense, but that sounds like a bummer.''[/b] Saki said, sighing again. [b]''Maybe I have been a bit spoiled by the discipline and teamwork of Team 6, but I don't like the sound of such team members. I guess that they are both genins?''[/b] She asked, hoping that he would confirm that. [b]"Yyyyyyyep."[/b] He replied. He completely understood her reaction, and hoped that his rather negative summary would leave her positively impressed with both genin. [b]"They're both genin indeed. Taking part in the chuunin exams in a few weeks, the both of them, so maybe,"[/b] He continued, putting emphasis on the last word, [b]"there'll be two chuunin in Team 7 soon."[/b] He sighed and looked at his sandwich. He wasn't that hungry anymore. The bottle of sake she gifted him looked a whole lot more attractive now. [b]"In any case, they're both still very young. They still need to learn a lot. Give them some time, show them how a true chuunin acts, and they'll be set on the right path in no time."[/b] He said, and could not help notice the irony in his words. 'Very young'? He was barely 6 and 7 years older than Ezuri and Shisen respectively. Then again, it was undeniably a new generation of shinobi that was different from the previous one. Saki thought about his words. Sure, she would give them a solid chance. But only one. Maybe it was a bit mean for her to do so, but she looked with a more serious attitude towards being a kunoichi. If they wanted to fool and mess around, then not in around her. [b]''I guess I can try to give an example, but I rather leave that to you. You're the jounin of us two.''[/b] Saki said, smiling. [b]''Though I hope you won't request me to babysit them. I fear that my time being away from genins have kind of made me less tolerant towards inexperienced members.''[/b] [b]"Heh, fair points."[/b] He replied. [b]"I believe that they can become fine shinobi. I can train them well enough and my strict training program will most certainly take care of the practical and theoretical parts, but both of their mindsets are still those of exactly what they are, young teenagers. Part of me wishes them to mature as fast as possible, but part of me, ..."[/b] He paused, thinking of Kiyomi, just a year older than his two genin, yet already a jounin, and then thought of why she had matured at such a young age so much already. [b]"... part of me wishes that they'll be allowed to grow into fine shinobi without the world around them forcing them to do so."[/b] [b]''I can understand that. Maybe I have grown a bit too harsh, but it is just that I hope that they won't expect others to bend to their will if they won't show any effort as well. I remember that I had to deal with such a sensei and team members in the very first teams I was part off.''[/b] Remembering a particular jounin sensei that used bees and was just one big joke, Saki could sum up more types that weren't luckily shinobi anymore. Though the system had became more harsh and discplined, Saki was grateful that such people were rooted out. [b]''Though if I may be honest, I never figured you would become a jounin. Li-Kiyomi, granted. But she was always a big striver.''[/b] Saki said, giggling. Though she meant no harm with her comment. [b]''I always had thought you were a bit too... shy.''[/b] [b]"Me? Too shy? Excuse me?!"[/b] He said in return, finally regaining his cheerful attitude that carried him through most days eversince the deaths of his teammembers. [b]"I mean, with my skills and obvious talent it was crystal clear that I would become a jounin. Ahem."[/b] He then continued, before pondering on the subject a bit longer. [b]"You know what, to be honest, I never thought I would either."[/b] Saki smiled at him, looking sideways before returning her gaze back to the their surroundings. The thought that it wouldn't be comfortable or relaxing around Kensuke was pushed away. Though there was still that theory that made her wary, Saki suspected that being in his team wouldn't be that bad. [b]''Yes, Kensuke Nimatsu, sir.''[/b] Saki said, before she laughed a bit. [b]''I do hope that you won't enforce that I have to treat you from now. I don't share that belief that a subordinate has to show respect to treat her or his superior. Sir.''[/b] [b]"Then I fear I shall have to let you run additional laps around the trainingfield, recruit!"[/b] He laughed in response, picking up his stuff again. He had to get started on his own daily training by now, and this meeting was just, well, a meeting. [b]"Anyways Saki, I'll send you a note when the next mission or team-training begins. In the meantime, you can always ask for a private training session with respectable sir jounin Kensuke."[/b] He told her as he got up, and offered her a hand to do the same. [b]"Because respectable sir jounin has to go right now and make sure he does not get out of shape himself. I'll see you later, recruit?"[/b] Taking his hand, Saki nodded twice. [b]''Understood.''[/b] Once back on her feet, Saki thought about something. Being a chuunin meant that he wouldn't need to spend much time on her training as with the other two. Meaning she had more freedom than she had actually assumed. [b]''I'll be waiting eagerly then for when you will need my presence.''[/b] She said, adding a small and graceful bow to it. [b]''Till later, sir. Have a nice day.''[/b] Saluting again, Saki was sure of it. This team wouldn't be too bad with Kensuke leading it. [/hider]