Ignia seemed almost fearful to answer her question but some in the crowd were not as shy. Though technically her question had been for Ignia specifically one of the men watching had seemed to take it as a cue to make requests. Lilian almost burst into laughter at his suggestions. ‘The Thirteen Cows in the Attic’ was a song that every farmer knew. It was the sort of song that was played at a Harvest Festival or bonfire dance, it was the kind of music that got people moving with light happy notes that had people swinging each other round kicking up dust. It was not the sort of music that one played for a prestigious crowd like this. A small smile curled her lips as she imagined the look on Octave's face if she played that song. People would laugh about it for weeks. Lilian's thoughts were shattered by the demon girl, Ignia. She seemed almost terrified at the prospect of Lilian playing such a song for she would have to dance to it. There was a low warning in her tone as she addressed the guest respectfully. She clearly feared her master which was perfectly normal in a slave, especially one to whom beatings were likely not uncommon. "Come now," she said gracefully with a light playful laugh in her tone. "Why should we deny this honored gentleman his request. He has presumably come a long way to see your Infernal Dance. Shall he be disappointed." Then she moved slightly closer to Ignia and grabbed her arm, turning her so that Lilian's lips were blocked from the man's view. "Which do you think will get us in more trouble," she said in a harsh whisper. "Playing a song that Octave may frown on or having that man tell your Master that you, who aren't even suppose to speak without permission, that we adamantly refused to play a request for him. If Octave questions us about the song this guest will shoulder the blame. On the other hand if Octave questions us on why we turned down one of his honored guests surely when this is all done my pay and your hide will pay for it." Lilian said all of this very fast into Ignia's ear before releasing her, she gave a bow to the man who'd requested the song and stepped back to her place behind the dais. She couldn't wait to see Octave's face after this dance. Of course he would be unable to do anything in public else he risk seeming as though he could not control his slave. Lilian's contract kept him from cutting her pay without a decent reason (playing a song that made him look bad did not qualify) and (she hoped) Octave's need for Ignia to appear in public often would stop him from doing any serious harm to her. Lilian didn't consider that he might bring violence against her. She was not his property and minstrels were often as skilled with a sword as some mercenaries. Lilian drew her fiddle again. Before she began to play she took a brief servant of the room. Every member with the exception of some of the slaves were grotesque. There was a man who waddled like a penguin and she was surprise that gobs of grease didn't drip off him what with how much fat was packed under his expensive wear. Another older couple were no different. The woman must have had several inches of make up on as though it would make her look young again. It was disgusting, this whole show. Lilian hated playing for the so called higher class, most appreciated her reputation more than her music. A good bonfire dance was what she really enjoyed. The pay wasn't great usually being whatever the mayor of a town could scrap together at the last minute. She had fun at those events. She didn't have to stand in a stiff dress while other enjoyed themselves. At town gatherings she could dance while she played swinging around a fire to the music pouring from her fingertips. Not that she was a skilled dancer or anything, but she enjoyed it immensely. Losing oneself in the music. Lilian touched her bow to the strings and began to play. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGzYBQTrQ2Q]Thirteen Cows in the Attic[/url] was a dancing song but it was much cruder than these folks were likely accustomed to hearing. It was the kind that village girls and boys danced to when the days work was done letting there hair fly free and there passion open to the music. Lilian thought this type of music was some of the most beautiful she could play but she knew very well that Octave would not be in agreement with that. Still she played on, it wasn't a long song, lasting perhaps three minutes but while the notes swirled all around her she felt it was an eternity. It was peaceful and calm. There was no other word to describe how she felt when she played, blissful. All too soon though the song came to an end along with the demon girl's dance and Lilian waited with an innocent look for someone to break the silence.