[b]Danny - Suburbs - Scouts/Alex[/b] He was taken aback slightly by Alex's questioning. Danny eyed the scouts carefully, unsure if Alex was prying for underhanded reasons, but seeing Chris and Jamie brought Danny to his senses. All three scouts shared a look of confusion; They simply desired answers, as any human being would. "Okay," Danny said, nodding. "I'm sorry about all of this, guys, but... fuck." He looked down and placed his hands on his hips, letting out a deep breath. "In the last few months, Outpost has become... different. It's not the place I once knew." Suddenly, Shannon stepped forward with a sigh. "We're not random survivors," she said. "I was friends with Danny before. Or, uhh, Rudy, I mean." She looked almost embarrassed. Danny nodded. "They, uh... They need me more than Outpost does." Chris seemed satisfied with that, but Jamie rolled his eyes. "You're just going to abandon us?" His eyes narrowing, Danny stared at Jamie. "Outpost has been my goddamn home. If I thought it needed me, I wouldn't be going." Of course, there was more to it, but Danny was hesitant to let it all out. He couldn't be sure what kind of effect it would have. As far as he could tell, not rocking the boat was the best course of action. "And, well, the reason you need to tell Myriah this is because..." He paused, thinking, and his head shifting back and forth slightly. "... She's scared. A lot's happened, and it's hurt her a fuckton. She's scared, so she needs to know I'm okay, all right?" Danny quickly followed this up by stepping forward and offering his hand to Chris, who hesitated momentarily before clasping hands with Danny. Though Chris was smiling, Danny felt like the guy was trying to crush his hand. "Just, thanks for working with me." He then shook hands with Jamie, who didn't mind it as much as Danny thought he would. Finally, he offered his hand to Alex. "And thanks for looking for me. That's... something Reggie would have done." --- [b]Rhonda - Outpost - Enrique[/b] She had to admit, she didn't really know what she was trying to accomplish. She'd made the effort to walk up to Enrique's cabin, but now that she was staring at the front door, she wasn't sure what she was going to say to the man. She had to say [i]something[/i], certainly. It had certainly shaken her to see Myriah so upset. The woman usually kept her cool, even during those unfortunate days after Samantha's murder. Rhonda had known Myriah long enough to know the woman was a lot like her. She [i]cared[/i]. She cared so much about each and every one of them. Outpost was her family, and the losses they had received were like punches to the poor woman's psyche. Rhonda was surprised Myriah was only now breaking down. To think Myriah had also been [i]threatened[/i] on top of all that, by a man that had only been with them for a relatively short time. Rhonda couldn't let that go. Myriah was scared of the man, believed that he had something to do with Samantha's murder. All things considered, Rhonda wasn't sure why they hadn't suspected the man sooner. Matt had assured the council that Enrique was a good man, but how could he possibly after all this...? Letting out a deep breath, Rhonda knocked heavily on Enrique's cabin door.