"A skank with a shank.' Elijah let out a small little giggle. He did found her honest both refreshing and little surprising. A different path taken at certain forks in the road he take a swing at her. She was pretty enough without it being a dominate factor. Part of him wanted to make fun of her for it but thought better of it as he still needed her help. He heard the words "Now go lie down, this will take me at least fifteen minutes if the police have made their systems any stronger from the last time I hacked them." That was music to his ears. As he shut the door the behind the both of them and erupted his hands to basically melt the door shut. There wasn't much he could do about the smell or the smoke but if anyone tried to get in they'd have plenty of time to get out of there before anything happened. He did as he was asked to took his spot on the couch within a few seconds he was asleep. Falling asleep so quickly was a trick he taught He had a habit of sleeping on top of flame retardant blankets just for an extra moment of peace and quiet should his powers ever get out of control. That shouldn't be any issue here, but there was always a possibility. He knew that his body temperature was off the charts while sleeping. He has even been known to leave some scorch marks in the places he had slept. He missed anything that was said after he hit the couch, it never took him long to get to sleep. Him recharging depending on being at rest, and getting a good quality of rest. He might be in the middle of a firefight, either actual fire or guns but that rest isn't the same as sleeping in his bed by any means. After what seemed like twenty or thirty minutes he slowly came awake. Sitting up on the couch, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "So, what do we know now that we didn't before?" Elijah said with a yawn. As he waited for the response his mind started rolling with a plan. As he stood up he placed a hand on the couch and felt the heat that had been left by his once resting body. He looked around in the apartment, he couldn't help but smile as he knew what he needed. All he would need is a some air tanks, which shouldn't be all that hard to find. The ocean wasn't but a handful of miles aways. If he could get a pair of air tanks, he could simply walk in and go full nova for a two minutes and burn out all the oxygen in the room. All while still being able to breath thanks to the air tanks. His plan needed some work and time wasn't a luxary as he needed to get this done before someone dumbass breaks him out or security gets too strong. "Wait... Not even once? Ain't you like 20, 23 or something? Are you gay? It's cool if you are I just didn't expect you to be gay... I mean, cause all the bitches I keep at around I don't that I can keep hiring you. I know how skankopotamus like to poach." He smiled knowing that Ruby has yet to even to see him with another person. He was protective like that, the people like Ruby who he contracted with were his people. No one touched his people, it was a matter of principle, of right and wrong and discounted rates.