Name: Raekar Age: 10,000+ Physical Description: Ranger Form: [img][/img] (Only, without that face...) Raekar wields rudimentary shapeshifting powers, the Armour does not require a morpher to summon, as well as using a humanoid form: [img][/img] Bio/History: One of the last Wizards of Eltar, Raekars people were scattered during a war over 10,000 years ago. Raekar fled to earth, where, under guidance of the other Eltar Wizards, set about creating a contingency plan for when the war made its way towards this planet. Raekar used this time to study the grand source of magic in the universe, a powerful force known as "The Morphing Grid" a force that is maintained by the infinite battle between good and evil in the universe. Eltarians have always naturally had the ability to access the grid, and so created morphers to grant non Eltarians the same ability. To assist even further, Raekar used the power of the Morphing Grid to construct multiple collosal assault vehicles, simply known as "Zords" named after a legendary Eltarian. Now the war has made its way here...