Antonino puffed casually on his cigarette as he watched the crates of illegal alcohol being loaded aboard ship while at the same time trying to swallow back the quizzyness that kept trying to escape from his belly. Travelling across the Atlantic Sea aboard a ship from Italy had left him with a huge dislike of being out on the open waters, he also was developing a dislike for working with upstart Mafia Families from Boston, but the money was good...and needed, Torpedo work in New York had taken an unexpected slow turn with the rumors of a Russian Mafia Family coming to the New York area spreading like wildfire. Antonino finished his cigarette, wishing he was already back in New York as he watched the ships crew load the last of the shipment into the hold then battened down the hatches and finished preparations for the ship to make sail. Captain Mark Evens navigated his converted fishing schooner, The Canadian Star, from the hidden cove just a mile or two east of Saint John New Brunswick, once out into the open waters, he turned the wheel over and pointed the bow of the boat in the direction of the Boston MA Port. In the wake of a storm that had blown through the area just a few days before, the sea was now relatively calm, which he was thankful for, since his holds and every other available space were near to overloaded with contraband and would of made for a rough voyage home had the lakes been anything other then calm. Captain Evens took a final bearing check from the compass, looked out the windows of the wheelhouse to make sure his crew had lashed and tied down what needed to be, then sat back and lit a smoke, now that they were underway, he was now able to return his attention to the stranger who had entered his wheelhouse prior to the last of the contraband being brought aboard. Antonino opened the door to the wheelhouse and walking in, the look on the Captains face as he turned to see who had walked in without permission was one of annoyance, Antonino raised a hand and with a stern look stopped the uttering of expletives that was on the tip of the Captains tongue, with a solemn and simple pronouncement," I work for Don Muccino". Though the lights of the wheelhouse were dim, Antonino could almost see the Captains face turn a pasty white but at least he had sense enough to keep his mouth shut and return to his work, as Antonino moved to a chair and sat down, remaining silent the whole time the Captain was getting his boat underway. Antonino reached into the inside breast pocket of his jacket and pulled out a pack of Lucky Strikes and lit a cigarette shortly after the Captain sat back and lit up one of his own. He could see by the continued silence, now that the Captain had a chance to sit back and relax and return his attention to his unannounced guest, Antonino could see the Captain was slowly becoming increasingly unnerved and fidgetty by his presence and lack of sound as they both sat and smoked in silence. Antonino put out his cigarette then cleared his throat and watched with a slight smirk as the Boat Captain nearly jump out of his skin, now hat he had the mans attention, Antonio's tone of voice was low and matter-of-fact, "Captain Evens, call your second in charge up here if you would please, I'll explain everything once he arrives", though the Captain gave him a puzzled look, Antonino was content to sit back without further explanation and watched as the Captain stuck his head out the door and called for one of the deckhands to go fetch Duncan, after a few moments the man called Duncan walked in and stood near his Captain, looking between the both of them with curiosity. Antonino unbuttoned his jacket then crossed his legs, then reached up and tilted his hat up on his forehead giving off the appearance that this was going to be a casual conversation, "Captain Evens...",, Antonino began, his voice mimicking his casual appearance, "Don Muccino has been looking over last months books and compared them to your last manifest...there seems to have be a slight discrepancy between what was shipped from our suppliers in Canada and what was received by his people in Boston, it goes without saying Don Muccino was not happy...", as the color again drained from the Captains face, his features contorted in a growing look of panic and Antonio's tone of voice slowly deepened with menace as he continued to layout the Captains stupidity, "By Don Muccino account, he figures you stole roughly one crate for every five crates of Bourbon shipped, one crate of Scotch stolen for every eight crates shipped and there's also three fresh young ladies not accounted for from the last shipment, tell me Captain, if I were to look down in the crews quarters, would I find them, or have they done had their way with the girls and tossed them overboard?" Antonino calmly held the Captains gaze and watched as the man did his best to muster up some bravado ,"So what if you got proof, I bring in more money per shipment then any other boat out here on Muccino's payroll, so I took a few crates, so what, its not like the other Captains don't do it, what you gonna do?,fire me?, I put the word out and there wont be a Captain one that will sail for Muccino", replied the Captain with a growing tone of arrogance and swagger. Antonino noted the disrespect in the Captains tone of voice and not using the title of Don, and he about shot him there and then, but he forced himself to control his temper, but his tone and demeanor changed within a blink of an eye, his features turned ice cold and the tone of his voice dropped murderously deep and reverberated off the walls, even rattling a few of the loose window panes ,"You signed an agreement with DON Muccino, and no where in that agreement did it state it was ok to help yourself to HIS property...your not going to be fired Captain Evens...your going to be retired, consider what you stole as severance pay, not that its going to be of any use to you", Antonio's lefthand moved like a flash of lightening and pulled the Colt.45 from the shoulder holster, the look of shock still registered on the Captains face as two .45 slugs slammed into his chest, knocking him backwards into the side windows of the wheelhouse then sliding down the wall to the floor in a shower of glass. Antonino turn his attention to Duncan even before the light faded from the Captain's now saucer sized eyes, Duncan looked on the verge of pissing his pants, but sighed with relief as Antonino re-holstered the colt and spoke again, his voice once again casual, "Congradulations on your promotion Captain Duncan, Don Muccino sends you his best regards and hopes this becomes a prosperous arrangement for you as well as himself....fuck up like evens did, and I'll be calling on you, understand?, now where's the guest quarters, I could use a nap", Antonino lit another cigarette and got to his feet, walked to the door, but stopped short of exiting, then turned back to the new Captain, "Toss that piece of shit over the side, whatever he still has that was stolen is yours...keep it as a reminder DON Muccino don't take kindly to being stolen from".