Adrien took a deep, though unheard, breath as Finn finished his performance. He put on his warm smile and started walking towards the ring, patting Finn's shoulder as he did so. He reached center stage and everything went silent aside for a slight mummer that washed over the crowd. He looked over the crowd before he took a bow as his introduction. Adrien simply put his hands up and began to do the trademark "mime in a box" routine. The crowd began to stir, annoyed or board whispers began to circulate. Just then a man in one of the rows stood up and shouted [I]"You suck mime boy!"[/I] Before hurlaing his bag of popcorn at Adrien. Just as the buttery bag as about to beam the mime it stopped suddenly, as if it hit a wall. Confused looks spread across the audience before Adrien started to "walk against the wind". As he did this a breeze could be felt that steadily grew in strength. After a moment a strong gust came that launched Adrien about fifteen feet into the air. The crowd grasped and the Mime fell back to the ground, only to stop a few feet off the ground and to be bounced back up, as if he landed on a trampoline. After a few more bounces Adrien eventually did a flip that landed him back onto the ground on his feet. Adrien then pointed to a young girl, who looked about ten years old, and gestured for her to come over. After a moment the girl made it to the center ring and Adrien offered her a warm smile and a nod of his head. He then pulled out a stack of glass plates from the box in center ring that he placed there before the show and explained to the girl through a series of gestures that he wanted her to throw the plates into the air. After this Adrien walked about ten feet away from the girl, pushed his hat forward so that it rested just above his brow, and spread his feet apart so they appeared bowlegged. He was imitating the stereotypical cowboy stance. He gave a nod to the girl who gave a weak smile before tossing one of the plates into the air. Adrien quickly pointed at the plate, forming a finger gun with his hand. Suddenly the plate shattered silently as if it was just shoot. The crowd gasped in surprise, but the young girl was still tossing more plates into the air, doing two at a time, and Adrien was pointing at each one causing it to shatter. The crowd started to cheer as the stack of plates was finally used up. Adrien walked over to the girl and offered her another smile and gave her a small card out of his pocket that said she could go to the gift shop after the show and get something on the house. As the girl went back to her seat Adrien took a bow and the crowd started to cheer again. He then seemed to open a invisible door and took a seat. He turned his wrist as if he was turning the keys of a car and pushed his foot downward like he was revving the engine. A moment later Adrien was riding around the center ring in his unseen car before taking a sharp turn and flooring it out of the tent. As the crowd cheered Adrien sneaked back into the tent and back to the others.