[center][b]~[u]Aislin MacBeth[/u]~[/b][/center] "Then I'm supposed to use...this card," Aislin answered, holding up one of her copies of Past Image. "Right?" "Looks like you've got this," Lera smiled. The two were a team, and part of that meant improving each other for the better. Spirit Beast Tamers knew all about teamwork and its importance, after all. "Like this, that tournament is ours!" "It's not just about the prize," Aislin reminded her Spirit Partner, picking up her deck and making her way to Duel Arena B in the meantime. "I need the extra credit this semester." Aislin was great at making and keeping friends. If only she were so great at getting and keeping the upper hand in a duel. Her deck was solid, no questions there, but her skills were not. This tournament, one could say, was both her final shot at redemption this semester, and a way to sharpen those skills of hers. For now, it was time to get there... ------------ [center][b]~[u]Xi Jones[/u]~[/b][/center] Spirit Partners? Xi had no time for that. What mattered was winning. And Xi had no need for some ghost of a monster card or whatever to achieve that. Grabbing her deck and Duel Disk, Xi made her way toward Duel Arena B. Winning this tournament was more a personal pride thing than any need for extra credit or settling some student grudge. Just her putting out her best and showing that she was indeed the best. -------------- [center][b]~[u]Kimberly Black[/u]~[/b][/center] The contestants were here. All eight of them. Not a large turnout by any means, but hey, it was something. "Greetings," Kim said into the speakers, this time attuned to only play out on the Duel Arena B intercoms. "Thank you all for arriving so promptly. Now, as always, the winner of this tournament will receive a healthy extra credit boost, so let's get right into things." Then a blue screen appeared on the panels above the arena proper. The tournament bracket. "For the first round, Akio Muzuki-Franklin and Riley Johnson are to step up and duel it out. Standard rules apply." With that, the sound of the intercom being cut off could be heard clear as day. Kim didn't want to be the one in charge of managing this thing, but the academy headmaster had other matters to attend to, so...