When the kid said 'Kumini' Ayano did a mental double take. [i]No. But. Kumini-san's too young... unless there's something I don't know about... there's no way this kid... could... be...[/i] then it hit her. He looked like the Blue King. It was made difficult by the red hair, but those blue eyes were so distinct that it was impossible to say that he wasn't related in some way, and the 'Blue Knight' comment clicked too. He'd probably said he was the Blue King to him and the kid picked up on knights. Not to mention that this was where the Blue King lived. [i]I'm an idiot for not seeing this sooner![/i] [b]"Please come with us. We can help you with your wounds and will immediately set out and search for your father. I can promise you that we will connect you with your father again. We are more trustworthy then the people in blue for your situation right now."[/b] the girl's words hit her like a sack of bricks. The realization that she was stuck in a no-win situation hit her like a falling grand piano. If she took the kid back to headquarters, she'd risk an incident with the Reds. Again. If she left him with the Reds and the figured out who he was... Ayano cursed quietly under her breath. In the end, she decided to let the kid choose. It was the least dangerous choice. She wasn't above a little bribery to get him on her side, however. "Hey, I can help you find your daddy, get you fixed up, and I keep a secret stash of candy in my desk. What do you say?" Ayano closed her eyes and smiled sweetly, only closing her eyes because otherwise, she'd be glaring daggers at the Red princess.