Aslin sat down on a log, thankful for the time she could rest. She wasn't too tired - mostly just sore at this point - but she wanted time to think over her new ability. Or perhaps it was an old ability that she just never noticed she had? She wasn't entirely sure which was most likely. Aurellius mentioned something about going off for a restroom break. Aslin hardly noticed, however what did catch her attention was shouting that came from the direction he went shortly after he left. "Oh for fuck's-" she started, then broke off in a sprint towards the shouting. She got about halfway to the distance towards where the shouts originated when she tripped. Looking down, she saw her feet were tied in up in what appeared to be [url=]Bolas, the type that one would hunt deer with.[/url] Before she had a chance to react, the bolas were telekinetically pulled off into the forest, bringing Aslin along with them fast. Aslin started flying through the air and looked towards where she was flying and saw someone with a javelin aimed towards her in the center of a clearing, with her heading straight towards it. Time seemed to slow down as Aslin impaled a tree with her katana, stopping her momentum dead. She let out a small groan in pain as she felt herself get stretched somewhat, then fell to the ground. The other person that was controlling the bolas fell forward towards her, face-first into the dirt, the sudden stoppage throwing him off balance. Aslin quickly kicked the ropes of the bolas off her feet, and rolled to the side to avoid the man's javelin from impaling her through the stomach. She jumped to her feet and watched in mild amazement as the man magically pulled both his bolas and javelin towards his hands from a distance; if Aslin had to guess, she'd assume his polarity had to do with magnetism of some sort, or telekinesis. Aslin readied her katana as the man swung his bolas in a circle, his javelin in his other hand. The man had a smirk on his face as he threw his bolas straight at Aslin again. Unfortunately for him, Aslin swung her blade and with the flick of a button, managed to split the bolas in half, the projectile the blade sent out continuing on and cutting the man open from his crotch to his chin, seemingly catching him off guard. She didn't have time to catch her breath as she was grabbed around the neck in a chokehold by a woman she hadn't seen coming from behind in the confusion. Aslin grabbed the woman's gloved hand and managed to push it up enough to bite down hard on it, the woman reflexively letting go of her as Aslin tore a small chunk of flesh out. Aslin coughed as she fell away from the woman with her katana pointed towards the woman, the woman shaking her hand rather painfully. The woman bared her teeth and charged, throwing forward a powerful haymaker Aslin barely sidestepped. The woman continued the assault, however, using her momentum to spin herself, throwing out a roundhouse at Aslin's face, it connecting with the side of her head. Aslin got sent spinning, landing in a puddle of mud and making a splash. Aslin's ear rang from being kicked in, and the woman pulled out two daggers and charged at Aslin again, spinning with her blades. Aslin narrowly deflected the flurry of blows coming from the woman, only stopping it with a cheap but effective kick to the woman's midsection, opening up a chance for to go on the offensive. She struck the woman over the head with the hilt of her katana, backed up a step, and lunged forward. The woman narrowly parried her katana to the side, Aslin still nicking her ear. An ear for an ear. Aslin jumped to the side to dodge another swing of the woman's daggers and flung another projectile towards the woman, who jumped to the side as well. Aslin didn't stop, and let loose a flurry of them, the woman ducking, sidestepping, and jumping over them until one managed to catch the woman's legs, severing both of her feet off in one blow while she was in midair. As the woman tumbled, off balance due to the sudden loss of limb, Aslin darted forward and stabbed her sword through the woman's head just as she landed, finishing her off. Aslin sighed and leaned against a tree to catch her breath, before heading off towards her original goal. By the time she arrived, however, Aurellius already had the situation under control... though he spoke with a lisp seeing as his jaw was broken. Aslin just giggled at Aurellius, unable to understand what he even said.