The moment the chopper was close enough to the ground, the three foot soldiers leaped off and dashed away from the landing zone, using the dust the blades kicked up as cover. Esailia clicked her comm on the second she hit the metal of the crawler "WE're out, pilot! Get to a safe distance!" Before she followed the already moving Naida and Nathanial up the stairs. The fox held her hand up in the -stop- gesture of a closed fist, and dashed across the doorway into the crawler. She looked to Nathanial, before nodding her head three times. On the third, they both breached the door, Nathanial aiming further down and Naida prepared to take out anyone in the immediate area. "Fire squad breached into the crawler. Will keep updates every minute." The feline captain called over the radio...the last anyone heard from her or her two comrades... ------------------------------------------------- "This was a wild goose chase." The tiger muttered under his breath, after breaching the fifth door to crew quarters "No one here, no signs of struggle, everything even looks to be put away!" He growled, getting him a reprimand from Esailia "Cool heads, Nath. We will see more mess in the passenger section. She clicked her headset on for the second time, reporting the same emptiness, but no one responded to her. "Naida, ideas to why we can't call out?" "We're in a hunk of metal, most likely made with less care and lovin' than a mound of garbage. Metal doesn't look up to snuff for regs." "Fine. We're in tight corridors, no reinforcements. Silent protocal." All three pulled their dust masks back up, and Esailia led the way to the passenger quarters, meeting no resistance, no crew, no one. When they reached their destination, same thing. Nothing. The soldiers glanced to their captain, whom was getting more worried with each quarters they breached and found neat and tidy. literally all they found was regulation clean quarters. It didn't make sense to Esailia. [i] If they were attacked, why would bandits clean up like this? If they were at gunpoint, why would they be ordered to clean up? Not everyone on this damn thing was ex military. There should have been at least ONE room that was even slightly messy.[/i] She led her squad through the crawler to the bridge, where again, everything was in order. No signs of combat here at all. But one thing was out of place, however; the logs. The squad couldn't find a trace of them. "This wasn't a bandit attack." Esailia said, slipping into the security room adjacent to the bridge where, at last, were signs of struggle. There were chairs knocked over, mugs of coffee spilled, and a few shot out screens. "Naida, get to work getting any footage up on the biggest screen. Nath, keep our rear covered." As Nathanial slid down and poked his weapon out the door, Naida and Esailia started to fiddle with controls, Esailai bringing up power to the big screen, and Naida flipping through video files until..."Here we go, most recent." She punched it up, and what they saw, made Esailia's fur stand on end in realization as they watched..."Naida, get that on something portable, we need to get out o-" suddenly an explosion outside the room rocked them a split second after the sound of Nathanial's weapon firing "contact! Unknown number! grenades incoming!" Esailia came around tot he other side of the door, firing out as well at the far side of the bridge, spray and pray style. "GOT IT!" Naida yellled over the explosions, slipping the disc into a protective case and into her vest. She joined Esailia, and the captain pulled back to get some gear from her pack out as they covered her. She slipped out a small tube-like device, and slowly extended it out the doorway. On the other end, a feed was wired to her helmet. "Three. One in the doorway far side, one in a back door to our right, one behind the bridge control console. I wan-" Esailia suddenly started into a coughing fit, and the moment she did, Nathanial glanced at Naida and nodded. Nathanial slipped his smg onto his back and ripped off his boots, nodding to Naida. "Covering fire." Naida muttered to Nathanial, not yelling it as many gun-ho soldiers do in movies. She stood up and lowered her chain gun, which she had been packing on her back this whole time, and started spitting bullets. The tiger dashed out of cover, growling low to himself as he taught himself to slip into an instinctual mindset. Using his agility, he dashed form cover to cover, with Naida suppressing the far end and the console enemies, and literally pounced the righthand door soldier, who went down with a scream of terror before being cut off as his throat was ripped out. By this time, Esailia got over her coughing, and smiled at her soldiers. They all had their secrets, and all of them kept it in the squad. She brought her assault rifle to bear, and ran out under Naida's continued rain of fire, getting into cover opposite the enemy behind the console. At that time Nathanial had regained his intellect, and was poking his smg out his new cover and was exchanging fire with console soldier. "Oy! It's not polite to try and blow two laides up!" Naida yelped, having been forced back into cover by another grenade. Esailia slipped around the left side of the console and got her hands around the enemy's head there, snapping his neck using her rotational momentum before getting into a roll and back under cover closest to the far door. Having been freed up, Nathanial dashed across under Naida's now resumed suppressing fire, and joined Esailia. They nodded at each other, and flipped out either side of their cover, running low towards the far door. They both poked their guns in the door and opened fire, not caring WHERE the bullets went, but knowing they hit something from cries of pain and death. Naida came up behind her comrades, grinning wickedly "Well, guess they didn't want your number, Nath."