Luro rubbed the side of his head as something was posed upon him that pulled him in two different directions, oddly enough he was alright with the soon to be death of the man, though he admitted the method was certainty different but there was something more important to focus on right now. There was an opportunity for the consumption of ale, Ray had made that very clear also the man who had just walked off as well by mention the tavern. However if he went to get the rum he'd have to leave Risa's side, he didn't really like that, but he wanted rum...but there was Risa. Luro closed his eyes trying to figure out what he wanted to do, Risa knew the wonders of this new world and with her help he could further his knowledge, but if he got rum...he'd have rum it was a dilemma. Thankfully Luro didn't have to choose as it seemed everyone was going to follow the man that had just left, which meant he could have both which made him smile as he followed Risa who seemed to know the way there. While they climbed on the vehicle Luro marveled at how many interesting things were in this town, he chuckled a little finding himself surprised at each new thing, there was so much to learn here it brought him an almost endless amount of joy, and Risa lived in a place like this, she was lucky to be surrounded by this all the time. Luro zoned out through most of the conversation about why the inventions weren't in other places, he did catch it had something to do with the government and teaching but for the most part he was too busy looking around at the sights, though his attention returned to Risa in-between only to move back out to the city. Once everyone reached the tavern Luro stepped off and stared at the building for a moment, he only pulled his attention away when the captain mentioned something about being Risa's bodyguard. "That works for me captain, means I don't have to leave her side. If anything happens just stay behind me," Luro said smiling at Risa. At the mention of a bar fight breaking out in the past and the possibility of it happening again Luro gave a small nod bringing a hand to his chin. "A tavern without fighting isn't really a tavern, it's a collected gathering of like minded individuals seeking the comfort of drink at least that's what a sailor told me once. If you think they're riled up now little bird, just wait until they see a lass. Oh if a fight does break out don't forget to rob anyone you knock out, it's considered common courtesy...I think..." Once inside Luro took in a deep breath taking in the rowdy but surprisingly comforting atmosphere at least to him, his entire being seemed to relax once he was fully inside, a wide grin finding its way onto his face as a sense of calm filled him, it seemed like he had returned home after a long leave and it was a feeling he never tired of. "Ah it's been too long since I've been in a tavern," Luro said. "You smell that wondrous scent, that's the smell of dri- actually I'm not sure what that is....or that...I know what that is...what was I saying again. Oh yeah the smell of drink and hushed memories...I think, that or rotten fish one of the two." Luro looked over at a man stumbling a little carrying a bottle of rum and smiled at him, he reached over and put a hand on the man's shoulder to draw his attention. "You seem like you've drank enough, did you pay for that?" Luro asked pointing at the bottle. The man offered a small nod and Luro then questioned how much, once he received an answer Luro gave a nod and calmly gripped the bottom of the bottle causing the man to arch a brow at him before he slammed his fist into the man's face sending him falling to the ground leaving Luro holding the bottle. Digging in his pocket Luro took out two pieces of silver and kneeling down put it in the man's shirt pocket before offering a kind smile. "Have a few on me for the trouble mate," Luro said with a small nod before taking a small drink from the bottle. "Sorry to get rough, hope you don't take offense to it. It was violence out of potential comradeship, when you wake up if I'm still here we'll share a drink." Luro looked back over at Risa before pointing to his bottle. "Did you want anything? Might want to drink know before we talk to that guy, might not get the opportunity while we're talking to him. Actually where is he in here? Anyone remember what he looked like?" Luro looked back at anyone who was still nearby as he hadn't been paying that much attention to the guy's appearance, which he realized would have been a good idea since they were trying to find him. "He said something before he left...I can't remember what exactly it was though. I think it was a name, maybe if we call it out or something." He was positive the guy came here, he even left before them so he had to be in here somewhere, Luro squinted his eyes trying to find his location but he only got a glimpse of the guy he wondered if he could pick him out in this crowd.