[b][center]Eiji Emiya[/center][/b] With interest EIji observed the eyes of the boy. Of course, he had heard about the Sharingan, but he had never actually seen someone wield the copy wheel. He also didn't know if it was someone that had to be controlled in the beginning. If he had to go on the things he just saw the boy had accidentally activated it, making it a thing that he wasn't in control of. That would have be taken care of then. It would do no good to have an ability that activated randomly when you didn't need it. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. [b]"Well anything you can tell me. Your strengths, your weaknesses, your goal, the things you want to learn, the things you hope to achieve, what you are expecting from me, your hobbies. All those things work. I am your sensei now, I need to know my student if I want to train them properly. I can't do that based on your file alone. And in return I can tell you something about myself if you might have any questions and then we can get started."[/b]