As the spotlight hit them, Priscilla took the hand of the person on either side of her and bowed gracefully. The show had gone wonderfully and Cici couldn't be more proud of everyone. As the group began to dismiss, Cici found her young volunteer and allowed him to pick a gift from the shop. He decided on a poster, and asked if Priscilla wouldn't mind a photo and if she would sign his gift. [i]"Of course sweetheart."[/i] she cooed, taking a 'selfie' of sorts with the boy, and then signing the poster on the back with a large autograph and placing a big kiss mark with the lipstick that had remained on her lips. Gathering back together with the 'family' a sense of exhaustion could be felt in the room. Grigori gave his gratitude and instructions to everyone as Cici listened and pulled out a cigarette, not lighting it yet. She held it in her fingers as she watched Betty turn several shades of red, making Priscilla in return smile and give the woman a wink [i]"I told you so."[/i] she mouthed, sticking her tongue out afterwards. As Grigori dismissed them all, Priscilla struck her lighter up and lit her cigarette, taking a drag as she carried herself and her equipment back to her trailer. She would be up for another hour or so, where she usually had a drink and read her books, or kept some of the other freaks company before bed.