Oh sweet Arceus, that voice. It was so overwhelmingly glorious that it sent shivers down his spine. Nodding at her request, he grabbed some plates and followed her out '[i]this is bad, I had no idea that I had such an allergy, I didn't even know that this kind of allergy even existed! I can only hope that the adrenalin rush of battle will be the remedy I need to combat this illness. It's strange though; why is she the first female to trigger my allergy? It's not like my village didn't have any attractive females. I'll have to assume that the reason my mother didn't trigger it is either because she's my mother, or women who's age is too different then mine don't trigger it. The second would explain a great deal, like why lady Kyuubi never triggered it.[/i]' --- "Your teeth huh? Well if you can get a good grip on me without damaging them then sure, go ahead" Modado answered. For awhile, they continued in silence, Monado basking in the fact that he now had a Best Friend, and a new home that might not have a leaky roof. Today was just full of wonderful things, it made the little sword just so happy to be alive. The silence was broken when his Best Friend, who had just introduced himself as Lupus, crashed into a wall "if it helps; you don't have to look me in the eye to talk to me when I'm on your back. Heck, you've already looked me in the eye far more then people at my old orphanage did in a week. So you're already over quota"