[b]Mark[/b] Mark tended to add artificial pauses to his sentences to ensure he wasn't speaking too quickly and to not give off the impression he could come up with answers immediately. That would give the assumption that he was more intelligent than he actually was, as his responses would be well thought out before others could even acknowledge questions. It was a habit by now, and as he was questioned by these two people, they prevented him from being able to speak; they would talk before he would open his mouth. Not that it mattered too much. In the end, he didn't need to say anything. One of these two girls was obviously interested in company, while the other was much more suspicious. However, they seemed to be close, and the social girl won the battle of wills. To what end was uncertain, but Mark was sure it wasn't his smile that did the convincing. He'd keep his guard up for now. One guy was slightly shivering, which didn't inspire much confidence. From the glance he gave him though, it was from a completely different reason all together. No further attention was given to him on the way there; he would find out sooner or later. He followed them on through to the wall, and out into a jungle and they split into two groups to avoid being spotted. Mark knew that what he was about to do was not likely to be approved by staff, but he didn't really care. He came to this island specifically to do things like this; to do something memorable. He was growing anxious, although his power could help him to mask his emotions. He utilised it now to calm himself down in a halted world. Following with Shannon, Mark proceeded showing no signs of hesitation. His expression and body language was that of curious indifference. The others didn't seem to have this skill, as the guy from earlier with the strange name, Red, definitely had things on his mind. Whether it was related to the previous conversation or their destination was uncertain. Again, he would probably find out sooner or later. They arrived and met up at a great shipwreck. Mark caught the muttering of the other unnamed boy with attentive ears, and saw those two girls walk off suddenly. One seemed to be suffering from a headache of sorts. He opened his mouth, ready to make some form of statement, but was interrupted by Red. "I'm going in." This seemed to be becoming a theme. "..Alright, in we go then." Mark followed after the guy who wasn't a murderer, briefly pondering how having that information would affect him further down the road...