[b]-The Bridge-[/b] "OK, but our angles will be limited. We can't get behind it, it's completely blocking the bridge," Randy replied to Nevin. The ranged fighters could get a wide angle from the left or right of the rock shelf, but anyone who ventured toward the bridge to fight it up close would be forced to make a frontal assault. Other than that, his plan, as basic as it was at the moment, seemed sound enough. She was't sure of what his semblance was, but she recalled a moment before where it felt like some invisible force had been trying to crawl in her head before abruptly leaving. Well, she'd just have to trust him and assume it worked like he said it did. Well, it was time to get dirty she supposed. She reached up and pressed a switch on the side of her helmet and suddenly with a series of clicks and whirs her armor plates began rearranging themselves and sliding into place until only her chin and lips were left exposed. "I probably have the best defense, so I'll try and keep its attention on me I suppose. I'm not as slow as I look, so I'm not too worried about getting caught..." That's what she said, but her voice was a little shaky. It was hard to be brave in front of the basilisk, but she was doing her best. "Eh, well, if it gets too handsy we'll just have to give it a good smacking," Amalger said, stepping forward to stand next to her. He too slid his blast mask down over his face. There was no room for holding back at this point. Felix just silently stepped forth to join them, his weapon extending into its pole-arm from, the front sight sliding on rails to the end of, taking its place on top of the bottom barrel that had become the front end of the weapon. "Can we hurry up, I'd like to win or die as soon as possible. This isn't exactly fun," Enyo called from the rear of the group. "Easy for you to say," Randy muttered to herself. Enyo didn't have to tackled the basilisk head-on. "Fine then, let's go!" She took a deep breath, and then just charged straight at it, hoping that the rest of the group would follow through and be right behind her. With her left gauntlet, she left it in auto-cannon mode and opened fire, the bullets mostly harmlessly bouncing off its skull-plate. It roared as the battle began and opened its mouth as she got close, but she suddenly fired a grappling hook from her under-barrel launcher and hooked the back of its head plate and took to the air above it. Once above it she reeled herself it, aiming to strike straight down at its neck. Once she was falling in the right direction, she activated her semblance, making her armor as heavy as possible. She fell like a stone, and struck its neck, right behind the skull plate, with her right gauntlet. The beast staggered from the impact, but her blade barely cut it at all. Its scaly skin much have been nearly as hard as its bone armor. She grit her teeth and turned her semblance off, as she herself was nearly immobile when she made her armor that heavy. The basilisk had then recovered from the impact an began to thrash violently to dislodge her. She was beginning to panic, not sure how she was to escape at this point. "Hey, do that thing with the hook again!" she heard Amalger shout, his deep voice quite loud and audible even over the basilisks angry screeching. She looked and saw him extend his hammer-sword and hold it so it was pointing up. She quickly figured out what he was doing and, taking another deep breath, did her best to steady herself and jumped off the basilisk while aiming her grappling hook. It hit, wrapping around his weapon. She this time did the reverse, making her armor lighter as she pulled herself safely off the basilisk. The beast took a step, aiming to retaliate, but suddenly and arrow hit, though failed to even chip, its head... before exploding into a shower of flames. It was unharmed, but momentarily blind. Felix set his feet, ready to charge, and then looked to Nevin. "L-let's go!" Felix finally spoke, and then took off. He was much braver with his weapon in hand, but the basilisk made even that courage falter. However, it was disoriented from the flames. He hoped Nevin would figure out what he was doing. Felix needn't worry, because Randy did. "Hey, Nevin, hit its right leg!" Randy called out, having unhooked herself from Amalger. "And you," she said to Amalger. "Get ready to pound that thing after they hit it. We can't let it pick a target!" His weapon looked much more capable of landing heavy blows without risky acrobatics like she'd resorted to. "Against something that big, I'll need help. You ready big guy?" Amalger looked at Abel. If they both hit it at the same time, it would be sure to feel it... he hoped.